My web app allow users to edit existing polygon features using the attribute inspector. I have been trying to use a query to create a summary statistics to report back the count of a specific attribute name. The app currently display the count of a specific feature but it does not automatically update when a change is made to the feature using the attribute inspector. How can I get the query to automatically update the statistics after each change in the attribute.
Here is part of my code:
var blocks = new FeatureLayer("", { mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT, outFields: ["ES_Name", "ES_City", "DDP_ES_Name"] }); var selectionSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol().setColor(new Color([255, 255, 255, 0.5])); blocks.setSelectionSymbol(selectionSymbol); blocks.setRenderer(renderer); map.addLayers([blocks]); map.on("layers-add-result", initSelectToolbar); //Code to store names for the query click map.infoWindow.on('show', function(evt) { setTimeout(function() { var node = dojoQuery('.atiField', evt.domNode); if (!node) { return; } var selectWid = registry.getEnclosingWidget(node[1]); //"store")); var oNames = [];, function(fName) { oNames.push({ id: fName, name: fName }); }); var data = { label: 'name', items: oNames }; var store = new Memory({ data: data }); selectWid.setAttribute("store", store); }, 800); }); function initSelectToolbar(evt) { var blocks = evt.layers[0].layer; var selectQuery = new Query(); map.on("click", function(evt) { map.infoWindow.hide(); selectQuery.outFields = ["*"]; selectQuery.geometry = evt.mapPoint; selectQuery.returnGeometry = true; blocks.selectFeatures(selectQuery, FeatureLayer.SELECTION_NEW, function(features) { uNames = []; if (features.length > 0) { var attrQuery = new Query(); attrQuery.geometry = features[0].geometry; attrQuery.outFields = ["ES_Name"]; attrQuery.returnGeometry = false; attrQuery.spatialRelationship = Query.SPATIAL_REL_TOUCHES; blocks.queryFeatures(attrQuery, function(fset) {, function(feat) { var fname = feat.attributes.ES_Name; if (uNames.indexOf(fname) === -1) { uNames.push(fname); } }); }); //store the current feature updateFeature = features[0]; title = "Study Area is " + features[0].attributes.DDP_ES_Name //InfoWindow Title with Attribute Name map.infoWindow.setTitle(title);, map.getInfoWindowAnchor(evt.screenPoint)); } else { map.infoWindow.hide(); } }); }); map.infoWindow.on("hide", function() { blocks.clearSelection(); }); var layerInfos = [{ 'featureLayer': blocks, 'showAttachments': false, 'isEditable': true, 'fieldInfos': [{ 'fieldName': 'ES_City', 'isEditable': false, 'label': 'Current School:' }, { 'fieldName': 'ES_Name', 'isEditable': true, 'label': 'Proposed School:' }] }]; //Initialize Attribute Inspector var attInspector = new AttributeInspector({ layerInfos: layerInfos }, domConstruct.create("div")); //add an apply button for any changes var saveButton = new Button({ label: "Apply", "class": "saveButton" }, domConstruct.create("div"));, attInspector.deleteBtn.domNode, "after"); saveButton.on("click", function() { updateFeature.getLayer().applyEdits(null, [updateFeature], null, function(result) { console.log(result); }, function(error) { console.log(error); }); map.infoWindow.hide(); blocks.clearSelection(selectionSymbol); }); attInspector.on("attribute-change", function(evt) { //store the updates to apply when the save button is clicked updateFeature.attributes[evt.fieldName] = evt.fieldValue; }); map.infoWindow.setContent(attInspector.domNode); map.infoWindow.resize(350, 240); } map.on("update-end", function() { var sqlExpression = "ES_Name"; // Object used to request the count of all block groups var countStatDef = new StatisticDefinition(); countStatDef.statisticType = "count"; countStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression; countStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "numBlockGroups"; var queryParams = new Query(); queryParams.where = "ES_Name = 'North'"; queryParams.outFields = ["*"]; queryParams.returnGeometry = true; queryParams.outStatistics = [countStatDef]; blocks.queryFeatures(queryParams, showResults); function showResults(results) { // The return object of the query containing the statistics requested var stats = results.features[0].attributes dom.byId("countResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.numBlockGroups); } })
I would run the query each time the attributes get updated (in the "attribute-change" event handler)
Thanks for the reply. I tried using that method. The info populates as it should once the attribute changes but it does not update the total count, stays the same regardless of the changes.
Update.. the original script was working correctly. I had to change my layer privileges to update so that the query would recognize the new updated attributes. I did not realize that the query function is called back to the server, i though it could query on the client-side.
Is there a way to query on the client side instead back to the server so that I can reset the layer back to select only?