<serverUrl url="http://hummer/ArcGIS/rest/services" matchAll="true" dynamicToken="true" ></serverUrl>
<serverUrl matchAll="flase" dynamicToken="true" ></serverUrl>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!-- Proxy config is used to set the ArcGIS Server services that the proxy will forward to. mustMatch: true to only proxy to sites listed, false to proxy to any site --> <ProxyConfig mustMatch="false"> <serverUrls> <!-- serverUrl options: url = location of the ArcGIS Server, either specific URL or stem matchAll = true to forward any request beginning with the url token = (optional) token to include for secured service dynamicToken = if true, gets token dynamically with username and password stored in web.config file's appSettings section. --> <serverUrl url="http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/" matchAll="true"></serverUrl> <serverUrl url="http://sampleserver2.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/" matchAll="true" token=""></serverUrl> <serverUrl url="http://server.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/" matchAll="true"></serverUrl> </serverUrls> </ProxyConfig>
Hi Kelly!
I set proxy.config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ProxyConfig mustMatch="false">
<serverUrl url="http://<myservername>/arcgis/rest/services/"
and I put folder "dotnet" (consist of: proxy.ashx, proxy.config, web.config) to: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
then my code in web app is:
esriConfig.defaults.io.proxyUrl ="http://<myservername>/dotnet/proxy.ashx";
I tested this link: http://<myservername>/dotnet/proxy.ashx?http://<myservername>/ArcGIS/rest/services/map/sde_commune/M... with no error, but all the edits I made can not apply to my featurelayer.
Please help me, thanks!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!-- Proxy config is used to set the ArcGIS Server services that the proxy will forward to. mustMatch: true to only proxy to sites listed, false to proxy to any site --> <ProxyConfig mustMatch="false"> <serverUrls> <!-- serverUrl options: url = location of the ArcGIS Server, either specific URL or stem matchAll = true to forward any request beginning with the url token = (optional) token to include for secured service dynamicToken = if true, gets token dynamically with username and password stored in web.config file's appSettings section. --> <serverUrl url="http://eddc-gis2" matchAll="true" ></serverUrl> </serverUrls> </ProxyConfig>