I trying to create a demo with Direction widget and Javascript api 3.17.when i try to modify any routing parameter it did not effect.i am trying to get the route by setting the route parameter returnRoutes=true but direction request the solve with returnRoutes=false.i also tested with startTime parameter but its also not working.
could you please help me in this regards
my code snippet is following
var s_params = new RouteParameters();
s_params.returnRoutes = true;
this.directions = new Directions({
map: me.map,
routeTaskUrl: url,
routeSymbol: sym,
directionsLengthUnits: 'esriKilometers',
canModifyStops: false,
showMilesKilometersOption: false,
showReturnToStartOption: false,
showTravelModesOption: false,
showPrintPage: false,
}, 'directions');
this.directions.on('directions-finish', lang.hitch(me, me._directionsFinished));
i also try to pass the parameter as Json.also try to Update the Routetask property.but still the same issue
Could you please help me in this regards