Three lines of code? Not sure which code you are using (perhaps a combination of what Bailey and yourself posted)?
Is there an additional "dojo.require" statement that may be necessary?
<style type="text/css"> img { position:absolute; bottom:20px; right:20px; z-index:100; width:15px; heigth:15px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function init() { map = new esri.Map("map", { extent: initialExtent, logo: false }); } ... </script> <body class="claro"> ... <div id="map" class="roundedCorners" dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center"> <a href=""><img src="logo.png" alt="View Logo" /></a> </div> ... </body>
Three lines of code? Not sure which code you are using (perhaps a combination of what Bailey and yourself posted)?
Is there an additional "dojo.require" statement that may be necessary? = "" document.getElementsByClassName('logo-med')[0].style.backgroundImage="url(\"\")"; document.getElementsByClassName('logo-med')[0].style.backgroundRepeat="no-repeat";
<style type="text/css"> img { position:absolute; bottom:20px; right:20px; z-index:100; width:15px; heigth:15px; } <body class="nihilo"> </style> <div id="map" dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center" style="border:1px solid #000;padding:0;"> <a href=""><img src="logo.png" alt="View Logo" /></a> <div style="position:absolute; right:20px; top:10px; z-Index:999;"> <div dojoType="dijit.TitlePane" title="Switch Basemap" closable="false" open="false"> <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" style="width:380px; height:280px; overflow:auto;"> <div id="basemapGallery" ></div>
I was able to get the example Heming provided to work, except it now affects the format of my "BaseMapGallery" widget because the logo is in the same section (below).<style type="text/css"> img { position:absolute; bottom:20px; right:20px; z-index:100; width:15px; heigth:15px; } <body class="nihilo"> </style> <div id="map" dojotype="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center" style="border:1px solid #000;padding:0;"> <a href=""><img src="logo.png" alt="View Logo" /></a> <div style="position:absolute; right:20px; top:10px; z-Index:999;"> <div dojoType="dijit.TitlePane" title="Switch Basemap" closable="false" open="false"> <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" style="width:380px; height:280px; overflow:auto;"> <div id="basemapGallery" ></div>
See post# 13. I don't know how else to explain it. #baseMap { position:absolute; right:20px; top:10px; z-Index:999; } #logo { position:absolute; bottom:20px; right:20px; z-index:100; width:15px; heigth:15px; } Note: #baseMap and #logo are ids of your basemap and your logo image.