Hey guys,
we would like to add a secured OGC WMS to a map of the ArcGIS API for JavaScrip.
Regarding to "Access secure resources" (https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/secure-resources/) it is possible to access a WMS with "Network Credentials".
But unfortunately when we add a secured WMS to the map no popup from the browser appears:
const layer = new WMSLayer({
url: url_of_wms,
sublayers: [
name: "name_of_layer"
const map = new Map({
basemap: {
baseLayers: [layer]
But when we do a request a pup is showing up (username, password):
esriRequest(url_of_wms, {
withCredentials: true
}).then(function (response) {
But I still get an authorization error (401) while adding the WMS to the map, because it doesn't add an authentication header to the request.
So, here is our question: How can we add a secured OGC WMS to the map?
Thanks 🙂