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JSAPI 4 requesting wrong url when loading WMS from third party geoserver

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05-18-2021 06:09 AM
Regular Contributor

Dear all,

I tried to load this third party WMS ( with the following code: (find the full code at bottom of post) 


let wmsLayer = new WMSLayer({
  url: "" 



The layer does not load and requests are answered with 404. In the networks tab I see that the WMS' url is changed, pointing now to instead of the url where the geoserver is located (The code was ran from the sandbox. It seems it always takes the url of the current site).


Would I manually replace from this request with the proper url where the geoserver is located ( I would get the right response. 

The problem occurs only for some WMS, it works for example for 


Is it possible to load the former service with ESRI API 4 so that it points to the correct url? Or is there anything else I could do to fix the issue? I would be very thankful for support or hints.


(The code, running from JSAPI4 Sandbox)



    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>WMSLayer - 4.19</title>

      #viewDiv {
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;

    <script src=""></script>

      ], function (Map, MapView, WMSLayer, Basemap) {
        let wmsLayer = new WMSLayer({
          title: "WMS Layer",

        var map = new Map({
          basemap: "streets-vector"
        var mapView = new MapView({
          map: map,
          container: "viewDiv"
    <div id="viewDiv"></div>





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1 Solution

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Regular Contributor

Hi Bjorn,

Thank you for having a look at the service, I see now what the problem is. As I do not have access to the geoserver, I created the following workaround using RequestInterceptor :

This changes the request url pointing to the incorrect geoserver url to a correct url before sending the request. 



      ], function (Map, MapView, WMSLayer, Basemap, esriConfig) {

var host = ""; // in case tested in the sandbox. 
var incorrectGeoserverUrl = ""; 
var correctGeoserverUrl = "";

  urls: host,
  // change request before it is sent
  before: function(params) {
    if (params.url.includes(incorrectGeoserverUrl)) {
      params.url = params.url.replace(incorrectGeoserverUrl, correctGeoserverUrl); 




View solution in original post

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

I think the problem is that Mekong service is not set up properly.  The GetCapabilities is not giving a full URL in the resources' xlink:href
has e.g.
<OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="/geoserver/ODMekong/lao_admbnda_adm1_ngd_20191112/ows?SERVICE=WMS&"/>
while for the ahocevar service you will see full URLs as in:
<OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/>

The best option would be to get the service fixed.

Regular Contributor

Hi Bjorn,

Thank you for having a look at the service, I see now what the problem is. As I do not have access to the geoserver, I created the following workaround using RequestInterceptor :

This changes the request url pointing to the incorrect geoserver url to a correct url before sending the request. 



      ], function (Map, MapView, WMSLayer, Basemap, esriConfig) {

var host = ""; // in case tested in the sandbox. 
var incorrectGeoserverUrl = ""; 
var correctGeoserverUrl = "";

  urls: host,
  // change request before it is sent
  before: function(params) {
    if (params.url.includes(incorrectGeoserverUrl)) {
      params.url = params.url.replace(incorrectGeoserverUrl, correctGeoserverUrl); 




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