Yes, this is a problem for ANY applications built with or using the Esri JavaScript API 3.30 or older. This includes any downloaded Esri Templates, Web AppBuilder Developer Edition application, GeoCortex, older versions of Portal?, etc.
We have updated all of our older custom built applications to version 3.35 and it has fixed the problem. We don't want to modify the code for applications that we downloaded or purchased so the issues persist. We are hoping that Esri will fix this for older versions of the API so we can continue to use these applications built on them. @ShelleySchott - any update on this?
To reproduce try this codepen:
Change the zoom in chrome to 90% with the JSAPI version (line 20) to 3.30 and it does not work. Change it to 3.31 (or greater) and it does.
@ShadCampbell there Bug logged in the system which will address this issue for Portal users.
BUG-00013868: User is unable to identify or click on Map Viewer with Google Chrome version 89.0.4389.90 or higher for Portal for ArcGIS 10.7.1 or Portal for ArcGIS 10.8 on some machines.
The recommended workaround is to use Edge or Firefox while we wait for the fix.
This is a bug/experiment with Chrome 89 -
See also the related Esri Support issue at
We are currently working on having Google roll back this breaking change in the Chrome browser, as well as investigating possible alternatives for the API.
@BjornSvensson Thanks for this explanation! Glad they are rolling it back! FYI, as of 90.0.4430.72 it's still present.
@ShadCampbell - this is a Chrome Experimental feature which is something they can turn on/off independently of the Chrome version you have. It's not specifically tied to Chrome 89 or 90.
There's more info in the Chromium bug -
FYI - looks like Google will roll back this change --