...coordinates tool ... Are there any samples out there or does anyone have any ideas?
You might find these samples useful:
hi Ian,
have you found the solution? Same like me now, want to develop tool for find coordinate like yours.. Can you help me how to code it?
Nana 😃
My apologies for the late response. I do have a sample I can send. Do you want me to send it by email or another method? There is still some minor modifications that need to be done, but I think it will get you started.
Thanks for your feedback.
U can send it by email.
Thanks ya 😃
function zoomToPoint (x,y) { var point = webMercatorUtils.geographicToWebMercator(new Point(x, y, map.spatialReference)); map.centerAndZoom(point,15); var tempPoint = map.graphics.add(new Graphic(point, config.gotoPoint)); window.setTimeout(function(){map.graphics.remove(tempPoint);},3000); // on.once(map, "click", function(){ // map.graphics.remove(tempPoint); // }); }
/*jslint browser: true, nomen: true */ /*jshint dojo, jquery, nomen:false */ /*global jQuery */ (function ($) { "use strict"; // Matches DMS coordinates // http://regexpal.com/?flags=gim®ex=^(-%3F\d%2B(%3F%3A\.\d%2B)%3F)[°%3Ad]%3F\s%3F(%3F%3A(\d%2B(%3F%3A\.\d%2B)%3F)['�?�%3A]%3F\s%3F(%3F%3A(\d%2B(%3F%3A\.\d%2B)%3F)["�?�]%3F)%3F)%3F\s%3F([NSEW])%3F&input=40%3A26%3A46N%2C79%3A56%3A55W 40%3A26%3A46.302N 79%3A56%3A55.903W 40°26�?�47�?�N 79°58�?�36�?�W 40d 26�?� 47�?� N 79d 58�?� 36�?� W 40.446195N 79.948862W 40.446195%2C -79.948862 40° 26.7717%2C -79° 56.93172 var dmsRe = /^(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[°:d]?\s?(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)['�?�:]?\s?(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)["�?�]?)?)?\s?([NSEW])?/i; // Results of match will be [full coords string, Degrees, minutes (if any), seconds (if any), hemisphere (if any)] // E.g., ["40:26:46.302N", "40", "26", "46.302", "N"] // E.g., ["40.446195N", "40.446195", undefined, undefined, "N"] /** Parses a Degrees Minutes Seconds string into a Decimal Degrees number. * @param {string} dmsStr A string containing a coordinate in either DMS or DD format. * @return {Number} If dmsStr is a valid coordinate string, the value in decimal degrees will be returned. Otherwise NaN will be returned. */ function parseDms(dmsStr) { var output = NaN, dmsMatch, degrees, minutes, seconds, hemisphere; dmsMatch = dmsRe.exec(dmsStr); if (dmsMatch) { degrees = Number(dmsMatch[1]); minutes = typeof (dmsMatch[2]) !== "undefined" ? Number(dmsMatch[2]) / 60 : 0; seconds = typeof (dmsMatch[3]) !== "undefined" ? Number(dmsMatch[3]) / 3600 : 0; hemisphere = dmsMatch[4] || null; if (hemisphere !== null && /[SW]/i.test(hemisphere)) { degrees = Math.abs(degrees) * -1; } if (degrees < 0) { output = degrees - minutes - seconds; } else { output = degrees + minutes + seconds; } } return output; } // Add coordinate validation method to jQuery validator. if (typeof ($.validator) !== "undefined") { $.validator.addMethod("coordinate", function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || dmsRe.test(value); }, "Please enter a Decimal Degree or DMS value."); } $.parseDms = parseDms; }(jQuery));