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Find Coordinates Tool for JavaScript Application

05-28-2014 07:49 AM
Frequent Contributor
Has anyone built a find coordinates tool for a JavaScript application?  I have a python script built to do this for the Silverlight Viewer, but now I am interested in building a find coordinates tool for our JavaScript applications.  Right now, I am using the 3.5 API legacy code, but plan to upgrade to 3.9 really soon.

The tool needs:

Input X:
Input Y:

as the parameters and I am hoping if possible to use a geometry service to locate the point on the map with a marker symbol and perhaps a label.  The tool will also need to convert the coordinates from state plane coordinates to decimal degrees.

Are there any samples out there or does anyone have any ideas?  Any feedback will greatly be appreciated.  Thanks.
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13 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
...coordinates tool ... Are there any samples out there or does anyone have any ideas? 

You might find these samples useful:
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Frequent Contributor
You might find these samples useful:

Thanks for the sample, however that is more of a point and click to get the coordinates.  I need a window that allows the user to enter in the coordinates, then hit a button to execute.  Something like the screenshot attached.

Deactivated User

hi Ian,

have you found the solution? Same like me now, want to develop tool for find coordinate like yours.. Can you help me how to code it?



Nana 😃

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Frequent Contributor


My apologies for the late response.  I do have a sample I can send.  Do you want me to send it by email or another method?  There is still some minor modifications that need to be done, but I think it will get you started.

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Deactivated User


Thanks for your feedback.

U can send it by email.

Thanks ya 😃


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Frequent Contributor


Try the attachment that I posted.  Host in on your c:\inetpub\wwwroot.  Like I said, still a couple of modifications that I can make.

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Esri Regular Contributor
Ian, sounds like the second sample I listed is closer to what you are looking for.  It allows users to type in coordinates, click a button, and then displays the projected coordinates.
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Regular Contributor
Here's what I did...basically just took the value of two form fields (after validating the user's entry) and passed it to this function:

function zoomToPoint (x,y) {
  var point = webMercatorUtils.geographicToWebMercator(new Point(x, y, map.spatialReference));
  var tempPoint = Graphic(point, config.gotoPoint));
  // on.once(map, "click", function(){
   // });

It only allows for entering geographic coords (e.g. 35.1 -106.5) at the moment but I'm looking into allowing the user to enter UTM or decimal degrees in the future.  The window.setTimeout function just draws a point at the coordinate and removes it after 3 seconds.

Hope that's helpful,
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor
Here's a Gist showing how to convert from Degrees/Minutes/Seconds to decimal degrees.

Below is the same code (in case GitHub is down).

/*jslint browser: true, nomen: true */

/*jshint dojo, jquery, nomen:false */
/*global jQuery */
(function ($) {
    "use strict";
    // Matches DMS coordinates
    //^(-%3F\d%2B(%3F%3A\.\d%2B)%3F)[°%3Ad]%3F\s%3F(%3F%3A(\d%2B(%3F%3A\.\d%2B)%3F)['�?�%3A]%3F\s%3F(%3F%3A(\d%2B(%3F%3A\.\d%2B)%3F)["�?�]%3F)%3F)%3F\s%3F([NSEW])%3F&input=40%3A26%3A46N%2C79%3A56%3A55W 40%3A26%3A46.302N 79%3A56%3A55.903W 40°26�?�47�?�N 79°58�?�36�?�W 40d 26�?� 47�?� N 79d 58�?� 36�?� W 40.446195N 79.948862W 40.446195%2C -79.948862 40° 26.7717%2C -79° 56.93172 
    var dmsRe = /^(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[°:d]?\s?(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)['�?�:]?\s?(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)["�?�]?)?)?\s?([NSEW])?/i;
    // Results of match will be [full coords string, Degrees, minutes (if any), seconds (if any), hemisphere (if any)]
    // E.g., ["40:26:46.302N", "40", "26", "46.302", "N"]
    // E.g., ["40.446195N", "40.446195", undefined, undefined, "N"]
    /** Parses a Degrees Minutes Seconds string into a Decimal Degrees number.
    * @param {string}  dmsStr A string containing a coordinate in either DMS or DD format.
    * @return {Number} If dmsStr is a valid coordinate string, the value in decimal degrees will be returned.  Otherwise NaN will be returned.
    function parseDms(dmsStr) {
        var output = NaN, dmsMatch, degrees, minutes, seconds, hemisphere;
        dmsMatch = dmsRe.exec(dmsStr);
        if (dmsMatch) {
            degrees = Number(dmsMatch[1]);
            minutes = typeof (dmsMatch[2]) !== "undefined" ? Number(dmsMatch[2]) / 60 : 0;
            seconds = typeof (dmsMatch[3]) !== "undefined" ? Number(dmsMatch[3]) / 3600 : 0;
            hemisphere = dmsMatch[4] || null;
            if (hemisphere !== null && /[SW]/i.test(hemisphere)) {
                degrees = Math.abs(degrees) * -1;
            if (degrees < 0) {
                output = degrees - minutes - seconds;
            } else {
                output = degrees + minutes + seconds;
        return output;
    // Add coordinate validation method to jQuery validator.
    if (typeof ($.validator) !== "undefined") {
        $.validator.addMethod("coordinate", function (value, element) {
            return this.optional(element) || dmsRe.test(value);
        }, "Please enter a Decimal Degree or DMS value.");
    $.parseDms = parseDms;