Dojox line chart - what can I do to keep from markers from getting cut off?

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04-28-2014 01:44 PM
Frequent Contributor
I have a dojox line chart that's populated from an identifyTask.  I'm pushing the results into an array, which is the input for my plot series.  I'm having a hard time searching out documentation on this, but I was able to get pretty far along with some trial and error.  The chart looks the way I want, except that the markers on the first and last values are cut off and I don't like the way it looks.  I'm looking for a parameter I can put on the X axis to prevent this.  Or maybe I need a better calculation to define the min and max on the axis so the markers fall a bit farther inside the very edge?

My data has multiple years worth of information for each polygon.  The layers in the service are named so the last 4 characters are always the year.  I'm using an identify on the center of the polygon.  This is my results handler
         function getStatsHandler(results){//formats the results for line chart, then generates it
              stats.length = 0;
              yearList.length = 0;
              rateList.length = 0;
              var year;
              for (i=0;i<results.length;i++) {
                var lyrResult = results;
                itemLength = lyrResult.layerName.length;
                yearPos = itemLength - 4;
                year = lyrResult.layerName.substr(yearPos, 4);
                var rate = lyrResult.feature.attributes.RATE;
                yearList.push({value: i+1, text:year});
               rateList.sort(function(a,b){return a-b});
               var maxVal = rateList[rateList.length -1];
               maxVal = Math.round(maxVal);
               var axisMax =  (parseInt(maxVal/10)+1)*10;

          var lineChart = new Chart2D("chartDiv", {
            title: currentCounty + "</br>" + title + " Rates" ,
            titleGap: 12,
            titleFont: "normal normal normal 13pt Arial",          
          lineChart.addPlot("default", {
            type: "Lines", 
            markers: true,
            hAxis: "x", 
            vAxis: "y"});
          lineChart.addAxis("x", {
            title:"Rates by Year",
            labels: yearList,
            font: "normal normal normal 9pt Arial", 
            majorLabels: true,
            minorTicks: false,
            minorLabels: false,
             microTicks: false });
          lineChart.addAxis("y", {
            vertical: true, 
            fixLower: "major", 
            fixUpper: "major", 
            min: 0,
            max: axisMax,           
            minorTicks: false, 
            minorLabels: true});
            //{vertical: true, min: 0, max: axisMax});
          lineChart.addSeries("Series 1", rateList, {
              stroke: { color: "red", width: 2 }
           var tip = Tooltip(lineChart, "default", {
              text : function(o) {
                var yr = yearList[o.x].text;
                var yrList = parseInt(yr) - 1;
                return ( yrList +'<br>' + o.y ); 

Everything works in this code except for the cropped markers.  Even the online examples for line charts look to have this problem too, but I'm hoping for a workaround anyway.
1 Solution

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Frequent Contributor

I figured it out!  If you increase the length of the x Axis slightly, it won't cut the point off.  I did this in my example by adding 0.5

   var xAxisMax = years.length + 0.5;  //extends the X axis so it doesn't crop off the point

View solution in original post

9 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I figured it out!  If you increase the length of the x Axis slightly, it won't cut the point off.  I did this in my example by adding 0.5

   var xAxisMax = years.length + 0.5;  //extends the X axis so it doesn't crop off the point
Deactivated User

Hey, I'm in the same situation and I liked the solution, but didn't understand where did you use that xAxisMax variable; could you show? Thanks

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Frequent Contributor

I don't think I've touched this since I posted it, but in my code it looks like I added right after the line  where I set the xAxis

var axisMax =  (parseInt(maxVal/10)+1)*10;

   var xAxisMax = years.length + 0.5; //where years is the array holding the data from my identify, extends the X axis so it doesn't crop off the point

Then you add one more parameter in the X axis definition of the lineChart:

lineChart.addAxis("x", {

        max: xAxisMax,

        title:"Rates by Year",



In my post, I have data by year, so 'years' is the name of my array.    You'll need to study your data to determine what variable you have to work with.

Deactivated User

I have data by month/year and tried to add +0.5 to max too, but didn't work very well. See before and after prints:





See that the first marker is still cropped and the top y axis one (value above 50) is too (this one I know that is not solved with max in x axis).

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Frequent Contributor

I think you can calculate the maximum value of the y axis too.  Have you tried another constant besides 0.5?  That was a value that worked for me, but your range of values might require something different.

Here are the links I used when I was doing my research:

Customizing charts using Dojo

| A Beginner’s Guide to Dojo Charting with AMD, Part 1 of 2 | Blog | SitePen

| Dive Into Dojo Charting Again | Blog | SitePen

Maybe you'll find something useful.

Deactivated User

Thanks Tracy, I got it working with the explanation of Scaler in your first link


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Frequent Contributor

The graphic looks right, but are those the correct values on your Y axis?  They're nothing like your original numbers.

There seems to be quite a lot you can do with this chart object, but almost no documentation to go along with it.

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Deactivated User

Hey Tracy, yes, they are correct. My data are dynamic, so I calculated max similarly the way you did, with some gap to avoid the cropping.

I agree with your comments about documentation, I felt lack of updated explanative docs with rich samples.

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New Contributor III

Is it possible to do this with Media Infos in the popup template? I'm trying to add an x-axis to my data. 

I have a counties layer with different years of data. Please advice!

Here are some snips of my results.

Thanks for all your help!

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