Cache tiles issue

05-29-2013 08:28 AM
Occasional Contributor III
Hi all,
My application allows users to select a state of India, and the map zooms to the selected state. Another button helps zoom out the map to its initial extent which is the map of India. As illustrated in the document attached, the zooming out to all of India does not refresh the remaining cache tiles. Can someone suggest a direction to accomplish this?
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6 Replies
Occasional Contributor
So what happens when you zoom in and out using the mouse wheel or the slider on the top left? Do the tiles display ok. What basemap are you using? are there any errors that appear in the console for your web browser?
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Occasional Contributor III
So what happens when you zoom in and out using the mouse wheel or the slider on the top left? Do the tiles display ok. What basemap are you using? are there any errors that appear in the console for your web browser?

Yes, using the mouse wheel or the zoom slider refreshes the tiles and the entire map is displayed. I am using ESRI's shaded relief map as the background, and India base map has been created in-house. There are no errors reported in the console.
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New Contributor III
What code are you using to zoom out to the full extent?
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Occasional Contributor III
What code are you using to zoom out to the full extent?

I am using map.setExtent() function
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New Contributor III
I saw this behavior when the scales of the cache don't match if you have several caches.
The JS API (unlike Silverlight) see in full extent that there is no scale and it fail to draw.
1. Match the scales of the caches.
2. Add a scale that fits the full extent.
Maybe I helped...
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Occasional Contributor III
I saw this behavior when the scales of the cache don't match if you have several caches.
The JS API (unlike Silverlight) see in full extent that there is no scale and it fail to draw.
1. Match the scales of the caches.
2. Add a scale that fits the full extent.
Maybe I helped...

Hi Oren,
You might be right. I remember making minor changes to the scales. The reason I did that was because I wasnoticing overlapping labels even though I picked up the scale ranges very carefully. To tide over this issue I made +1 unit of change in couple of my scales. I'll go back and set it right and see if that fixes the issue.
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