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Arrow heads on lines

09-24-2012 11:31 AM
Occasional Contributor
Does anyone know how to create arrow heads on lines.  More specifically, a line with intermittent arrows.  This is a line that is output from a route.  So, the arrows would help the person determine the direction of travel for the route. 

Someone else posted the same question, then apparently figured it out.  But there is no additional information. 

16 Replies
Honored Contributor
I haven't tested this so can't verify it will work. But you could try setting the symbology that you want (including the dashed lines and arrowheads) in ArcMap, then publish that as a map service.

Now create a Dynamic Map layer from the service. With luck this will contain the arrow heads and dashed lines.

If that doesn't work, you could create a point at the end of each line, and use a PictureMarkerSymbol to display the arrow heads.

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Occasional Contributor
I am working in Arcgis Online.  The line is being creating using the Routetask.  So, I am not sure an Arcmap solution would work.  Or maybe I am not exactly following what you are suggesting. 

As far as the point at the end of the line.  I did consider that.  The problem is the direction of it.  Which would mean I would have to break the line, get a bearing of the last segment and then align the symbol.  Seems a little too much work for something that should be a simple line style.  That would still not fix the arrows along the length of the line.  I would need a lot of processing for that.   

Anyway I was hopping for something simple that I might have overlooked.  Like an arrow line style.
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Honored Contributor
I was hopping for something simple that I might have overlooked.  Like an arrow line style.

As far as I can see, that doesn't exist yet - cartographicLineSymbol would seem the obvious place for this, but it doesn't have the option.
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Occasional Contributor
Forget cartographic lines. Here's what I use. Seems to work really well. The great thing is that since it's a text symbol, you can angle it.

//text symbol//
var arrow = function(pt1,pt2){    
          return new esri.symbol.TextSymbol({
          text : "�?�",
       angle: setAngle(pt1, pt2),
       type: "esriTS",
             color: new dojo.Color([0,0,255,0.5]),
             font: {
              size: 13, 
              style: 'normal', 
              type: 'font',
              variant: "normal",
              weight: "normal",
              family: "Lucida Grande Console"


//grab points//

//loop over the points on your line//
for(var x in "[linename]".geometry.paths[0]){

 var pt1 = "[linename]".geometry.paths[0]; 
 var pt2 = "[linename]".geometry.paths[0][x-1]; 

 var point = new esri.geometry.Point(pt1);
 var arrowGraphic =  new esri.Graphic(point, arrow(pt1,pt2));

//angle function//

var setAngle = function (p1, p2){
        var rise = p2[1] - p1[1];
        var run = p2[0] - p1[0];
        var angle = ((180/Math.PI) * Math.atan2(run, rise))
  return angle-180;

Hope this helps.
Occasional Contributor


I could somehow add arrows to the lines. But when I zoom in zoom out, the arrow positions keep changing. How to handle this?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor
Very nice workaround - thanks for sharing.
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor
Thanks! 😉
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Frequent Contributor
Hi roessera, how do you assign the triangle to text like text : "�?�"? When I copy the triangle and paste to the code and try to save the change, I got the attached error. But if I use the unicode like text : "▲", it will display just like ▲, not the triangle.
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MVP Emeritus


  You need to use the unicode representation: '\u25BC'

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