Instant App Attachment Viewer not showing attachments (map centric)

11-14-2023 07:27 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

We have a site with multiple videos and PDFs associated with storm pipes. I created a map-centric Attachment Viewer Instant App last week and ran into issues. Once the user clicks on a few pipes and looks at attachments, the map (and attachment sidebar) stops working correctly. Sometimes it doesn't highlight the pipes, and when you click in the attachment pane, nothing happens.  You can move around, but cannot perform any of the intended functions. It seems somewhat similar to the issue in this thread:
Instant App attachment viewer error - Esri Community

I tested it by not looking at any videos and only PDFs, and that didn't make a difference.

Our configuration is that I added attachments in a file geodatabase on a local machine, configured ArcGIS Pro, and then uploaded it all to ArcGIS Online (so attachments are on, and it is all hosted). Have since updated the attachments locally and re-uploaded the web layer.

When looking at console I see these errors (that seems to be the reason for the problem?):
 Uncaught Error: div had a p child added, but there is now more than one. You must add unique key properties to make them distinguishable.
at xZ (index.4349bcda.js:940:16709)
at Ect (index.4349bcda.js:940:20985)
at xj (index.4349bcda.js:940:21466)
at Ect (index.4349bcda.js:940:20819)
at xj (index.4349bcda.js:940:21466)
at Ect (index.4349bcda.js:940:20819)
at xj (index.4349bcda.js:940:21466)
at Ect (index.4349bcda.js:940:20819)
at xj (index.4349bcda.js:940:21466)
at Ect (index.4349bcda.js:940:20819)

The .js file is here (scrubbing out our organization name):

The line of code that has the marked error is the last line of what I copy/pasted below:
if (!(s && (s.key === void 0 ? s.bind : s.key))) {
for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++)
if (o !== t) {
let a = e[o];
if (Hle(a, n))
throw new Error(`${i.vnodeSelector} had a ${n.vnodeSelector} child ${r === "added" ? r : "removed"}, but there is now more than one. You must add unique key properties to make them distinguishable.`)


Side note - for some reason this instant app doesn't like Verdana bold, which is how we label everything. It is auto-switching to Arial, but wanted to post that info in case that might impact things.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

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