Why are there no datasets or items found on my Open Data Site?

10-13-2016 10:44 AM
New Contributor

Hello Everyone,

I am tasked with the opportunity to explore and create an Open Data Site for my organization. I am a member of an Open Data group and shared my content (feature layers) with everyone and this group. After creating the Open Data site I then selected that group. Under manage sites I see this:

3 items (feature services) but no data sets

Under Data Manager I shows that there are no matches found for Datasets or Items:

I read a post from 2014 about a similar issue and it said that this was a bug and it had been fixed: https://community.esri.com/thread/107927

Does anyone know or have any tips on how this can be resolved?


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6 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Hi Caitlin, 

We had an issue this morning where our harvesters were backed up and users experienced longer than normal delays in their datasets appearing on their site. This has been resolved and I apologise for the disruptions.

If you don't see your datasets in the Data Manager at this time, try hitting "Update Index" on the page. If you still don't see them, please provide the URL to your data groups on ArcGIS Online and I'll take a look under the hood. 



New Contributor

I realized that we do not have anonymous access enabled, so now I uncheck "Belongs to My Organization" and can view the items when I hit "Update Index" but I still see no datasets.

data group: http://arcg.is/2dzbVk2 

Thank you for your quick reply,


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Occasional Contributor III

The status on your group should be complete - can you verify that you see the datasets appear on your data manager and your site? 


New Contributor

Yes, I now have all the datasets on my site.Thank you for your help

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New Contributor

I seem to be having a similar issue. 

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable


Can you send the details (the site and dataset) to customer support so we can assist? 

Thank you!


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