Several datasets at our open data site – are not downloading – but not all - some are very small some large?
The client receives this error ”Status: An error occurred. Download failed.”
I’m receiving this response both 500 & 502 messages (HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway) - in the response header
{"processingTime":"13.499166666666667 minutes",
"message":"Request for service information failed",
"request":" ",
The problematic services/data appear to work when hosted at AGOL – and that might be our temporary fix.
Thank for any insight:
For now - I'm to use http: vs https - It initially seems to have been successful with our problematic open data sets. I rather use https but I will wait and see if we can diagnose anything further...
I was able to download these over the HTTPS version of the site. Services that do not support HTTPS will have issues if you try accessing them from an HTTPS site.
I can't be sure that was the issue because I am a bit late to following up on this one. If you have other questions, please let us know!
For the large datasets, we encounter similar issues. The problem lie in that shapefiles have a 4GB limit on size and is the default format for non-host services. Our contours came in at around 9 GB so we had to break the layer up into smaller subset feature classes.