Hey team, we’re thinking of transferring some of our AGOL content into our Enterprise Portal to cut back on hosting costs. We have a Hub on AGOL that’s logistically simple (contains some basic text, search functionality and pages that contain web apps that are all hosted on AGOL) that we’d like to host on our Enterprise Portal instead. Has anyone moved a Hub from AGOL to a Site on Enterprise before without having to manually transfer all the web apps and layers and rebuilding the Site from the ground up e.g. using any developer tools? Thanks.
Would be great to have a tool that automatically migrates a product (web app, story map, dashboard...) from AGOL to Portal or from Enterprise development, staging environment to production environment.
Unfortunately I do not believe this is possible for Hub Sites, but the content could be moved with the ArcGIS API for Python. From here you could share these to the Enterprise site group and rebuild the site.
I would recommend the following documentation for getting started with this - https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/portal/latest/administer/windows/migration-strategies.htm
Hope that helps!
The ArcGIS Hub API offers the possibility to copy hubs/sites between ArcGIS Online and Enterprise.
Here is an example python notebook. Maybe this helps you already.