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Enable File Geodatabase downloads (on Open Data) for ArcGIS for Server feature services.

03-23-2018 05:27 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

Not having the option to download a file geodatabase impacts all users of our Open Data site.  Currently the only option is to download a shape file.

When you download a shape file you are impeded by size limitations and you lose data integrity because any and all domains associated with the data are lost. 

I understand that the option of downloading as a file geodatabase is available if we host our data in ArcGIS Online but for our organization that is not a viable option.

These limitation cause our open data site to be used less than it should be.   We consistently get requests for file geodatabases and end up having to provide the data the old fashioned way - zipped and emailed or via FTP.

In addition, when we need to acquire data from our partnering communities, data that is used to support several critical systems, we are forced to request file geodatabases from them via zipped email or FTP rather than use their respective Open Data site because shape files do not meet our requirements.  This makes the true impact of this for us two-fold. 


Hello Jeffrey,

Same here. Could you elaborate more please? The documentation is not straight forward on setting up to export file geodatabase from map services on Portal. 

Thanks a lot!



I am seeing a new option for File Geodatabase download for a feature service registered in ArcGIS Online and shared with the open data site. Is anyone else seeing this option and is it working for you?


From Auckland Council: Have not yet tried this. Will give it a try sometime next week and let you know the outcome by then.

Thanks for sharing.


Hi Spencer, I only saw this for the first time this morning and am not actually able to successfully download anything as FGDB - I would be interested in hearing if it works for you. Cheers. 


I don't see File Geodatabase in my drop down options. I wonder if it's a setting issue. My bigger problem right now is that all of my 'Additional Download' PDF links have been remove from my 30+ datasets. Has anyone else experienced the same problem? The metadata hasn't changed (Online resource/download) so I don't know how to resolve the problem.


Hi, sorry for the late reply, I have been busy with other projects. 

However, this solution did not work in my case. I have a feature service shared to AGOL and shared to open data. But download as file geodatabase still not available as a download option. 

Unless you host the data on AGOL as a hosted feature service. 

two examples here: (stormwater treatment device) (alcohol control area)


Hi Spencer, have you set extract capability on the service? 


Hello, I tried the settings specified by Taupo District Council and got the same results.  The option to download a file geodatabase was there. However when I tried to do so it failed with and Error Occurred message.  Has anyone successfully gotten a File Geodatabase to download when the data is not a Hosted Feature Layer?  The data I have is coming from an ArcGIS Server.



I did have issues with pdfs a few week ago when the new enhancements were released. The pdf files stopped working completely. Esri logged it as a bug and it is now fixed.


Hi, check out this thread I checked my server log and there were a few errors. I haven't had a chance to look into them yet but I would be very interested to know if you are experiencing the same...

Error: The operation was attempted on an empty geometry

Failed to rename cache folder.

Method failed.HRESULT = 0x80070057 : The parameter is incorrect.
