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Exporting geo data from ArcGIS for Power BI

05-11-2020 03:58 AM
New Contributor

How am I able to export geo data and layer information from ArcGIS within Power BI? When I export data from the map, I only get the underlying data from my connected dataset? Thanks!

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello Kim, thank you for reaching out.

   To clarify, are you trying to export it to PowerPoint, pdf, or Excel? If so, the ArcGIS PowerBI visual is not supported for those export formats. Please view the Limitations section here for more info. We do have enhancement requests logged for these issues, so if you have maintenance with us please log a case so that I can add you to it.

Keep on keeping on!
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New Contributor

Still the same issue, it says the Visual not supporting PDF Export, Any Work around now?ARCGIS.JPG

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