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Ethiopia not available in the list of countries?

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11-15-2023 01:59 AM
Labels (3)
New Contributor

Could you clarify or add Ethiopia in the list of countries?

I was using the ArcGis map feature in Power Bi but I couldn't find Ethiopia in the list of countries. 

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1 Solution

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Esri Contributor

Hi @SamuelHaddis,


Thanks for your question! We have been working on updating the Country list. Ethiopia should be available in the next ArcGIS for Power BI release.

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @SamuelHaddis 


I believe that currently Ethiopia data is currently available via but it may not be to the level that your require:

Ethiopia—Esri Demographics Regional Data | Documentation (

You may want to raise this on the Ideas page or look to another data provider.

~Just trying to fix things~
Esri Contributor

Hi @SamuelHaddis,


Thanks for your question! We have been working on updating the Country list. Ethiopia should be available in the next ArcGIS for Power BI release.

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