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Classify data greyed out

08-22-2023 04:08 AM
New Contributor

I am using ArcGIS Maps for Power BI. I am trying to change the size of my data points so that they fall into these 4 categories:

<1 GW

1 - 2 GW

2 - 3 GW

> 3 GW

This is what I currently have:


The only way I can think to do this within "Classify data" in "Symbology", however these options are greyed out/frozen:


Why are these options unavailable to me?

2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi JonathanBowesBVGA,

I don't have PowerBI open, and I'm not 100% sure this is relevant, but I figure it's worth a shot: 

What happens if you change the number of classes to 4 to match the number of classes you desire? (Perhaps this is not possible to do, but it doesn't look greyed out, so I'm curious.)

Finally, it appears this isn't the case, but are you sure your data are not strings/text? 

Sorry if both of these questions are irrelevant, and I'm really sorry you've run into this speed bump during your workflow. Someone with more knowledge than me should be able to help you out shortly, I imagine.

Thanks for posting your question to the community! 


Ian Muehlenhaus
Location Analytics
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Emerging Contributor

@Ian_Muehlenhaus Your solution would work, but it is impossible to change the number of classes because the entire section is greyed out. I had this same idea too and thought it solved it. But then I was disappointed when I couldn't move the slider. This seems like a flawed design or a simple oversight.

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