Hi! I have a dashboard with some ArcGIS visuals that have worked for months. I just realized that all of my ArcGIS maps aren't working (just completely blank, almost like they're loading in, but they never actually load). I cleared my cache and rebuilt the visuals since I saw another post saying this helped, but it did not work for me. I saw that there was an update meant to fix this issue, but I didn't have the problem before and am not sure why it's happening now. Do I need to update ArcGIS for PowerBI manually? PowerBI Desktop Version: 2.139.2054.0 (January 2025). Thanks for any help!
To confirm, are you opening the dashboard in Power BI Desktop? Where you signed into the Esri Visual as an ArcGIS user or are you using it as a Guest user?
Could you please try to publish these dashboards in Power BI Online to see if you are able to see the dashboards in Power BI?
Also, please follow the below steps to clear the caches in Power BI Desktop (if you are seeing this in Desktop):
To clear the browser's local storage in Power BI Desktop, complete the following steps:
Microsoft Store version—C:\Users\<user>\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop Store App
Hi @ElizabethBarnum,
Besides what @AlagiriVenkatachal suggested, could you please also check if you are on the version 2024.2.550 for ArcGIS for Power BI? We fixed the blank map issue in the version 2024.2. The latest version of ArcGIS for Power BI is there when you are using the latest version of Power BI Desktop.
If you still see the blank map issue, please let us know how to reproduce it. Thanks!
I have the most recent ARCGIS for PowerBi (2024.2.550), and the PowerBi desktop version (January 2025) mentioned above cleared the caches, etc listed above and still my maps are blank. Do I need to update something else? Clear other cache?
Hi @mMess ,
Could you please log a technical support ticket to help troubleshoot the issue if clearing the cache did not resolve the issue?
Sure can you please provide a link for where I do that?