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AutoZoom on Unselected Tabs not working

06-19-2023 05:04 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor

Hi, I have a report that has a common filter (page level)  and a map on 3 different pages. Let's say the map's default selection was Chicago (published with Chicago selected). All 3 pages of maps are zoomed to Chicago as expected. When I choose "Cincinnati" from any of the pages filters, the page I'm on properly zooms to Cincinnati. When I change to a different page/tab the map is still focused on the Chicago area. The points on the map are properly selected (individual long/lats) but I have to either manually move the map to the Cincinnati area OR select and unselect a data point in a table on that page to wake up the map's autozoom feature. I guess I'd like the maps on all pages to update when the data changes, or worst case someone has a good hack to create an event that updates the map when changing tabs. Anyone else experience this or just me?


Hey there @DonTaggart1 ! I think I can help explain what is happening in this scenario and why it is somewhat different when using ArcGIS for Power BI (when compared to say Bing and Azure Maps). 

When using a filter that is applied to all pages, it will only work when the map is first created. For example, if you set a filter on the page (or all pages) first and then add the map component, it will honor that filter right when the data is dropped. However, if you attempt to filter the map component from another page, this will not work. There are some known limitations within the Power BI environment for third party visuals like our map component. 

At the moment, this is a known limitation within ArcGIS for Power BI. In the future, we may enhance this feature by adding the option to use the "Filter on all pages" as it would override the default extent that is saved to each map. 

However, I am going to move this issue to our Ideas board so that we can keep track of it for a future release. 


Hi, I am facing exactly same issue, can you suggest some workarounds mean the time resolution is not available. 


