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Can't add layers from AGO in ArcGIS for Excel

2 weeks ago
Occasional Contributor

Hi Community,

I have used this add-in before, but now I'm not able to add any of my content from AGO to a workbook. I can see my layers, but when selecting the layer or choosing to "Add attribute table to Excel...", I just keep getting prompted to login to AGO (I already am). I am able to add public AGO layers and layers from the Living Atlas. Anyone else experience this?


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Good morning @DerekMStrout , Thank you for reaching out. I have not experienced this issue. Can you try a few troubleshooting ideas please?

1. Clear browser cache and attempt the same workflow using the same workbook

2. Try the same workflow using a different Excel workbook 

Please let me know your findings. 

Shannon Cardoza
Product Engineer
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Occasional Contributor

Hi @ShannonCardoza. I have been trying to use the add-in with Excel desktop (many different fresh workbooks), but I just tried it in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge with the same issue.

Two things I just noticed may indicate it's an issue with the layer itself.

1. When I first sign in to ArcGIS for Excel and search for my content, I see 2,429 items. But if I apply a filter like 'Feature layers' and then clear that filter, I am still left with just 246 items. This subset does not include the layer I am interested in. Are there layer settings required that I have overlooked? This is just a simple 157-point hosted feature layer tagged as Authoritative, with editing disabled and Export Data enabled.

2. The original spreadsheet was created from a Microsoft Form that accepted long form responses. Some resulting cells then have 3,000+ characters. The information displays fine in AGO, but could this be causing a problem when trying to view in Excel?


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