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Elevation Attribute Population in Field

01-27-2021 05:56 AM
Frequent Contributor

Is there a way in field maps to have an attribute for elevation populate automatically after a point has been collected?

I would like the elevation attribute to populate when a feature is newly collected or updated.

When I published the data as a service for use in the field, the data had a vertical coordinate system. 

When I try to calculate the Z value in ArcGIS Online using Arcade Calculator using Geometry($feature).z, no results are returned.

If I export the data collected from the field to a GDB, the data has a Z value and can be populated using the calculate geometry tool in ArcMap. The data however no longer has a vertical coordinate system assigned to it.


22 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @CarsonG 

With regards to the arcade values for Geometry($feature).z not displaying through ArcGIS Online, are you working with the normal Map Viewer or the Map Viewer Beta?

Although you can generate the arcade expression to display Z values from the feature geometry through the current Map Viewer, you need to use the Map Viewer Beta to actually see the values generated from it. 

On a different note, out of curiosity, what GNSS receiver are you working with in the field to capture the features in Field Maps?

Thank you


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Frequent Contributor

I am using the current Map Viewer. I will check out the the Viewer Beta.

We are using Trimble TDC600's with a Trimble Catalyst DA1 Antenna.


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Esri Contributor

Hi @CarsonG 

Are you also using Trimble Mobile Manager on the TDC600 for the Catalyst receiver to configure the RTK corrections?

If so, when in the GNSS configuration section, did you specify the GNSS output and define a Geoid?

Thank you


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Frequent Contributor

Yes, I am using Trimble Mobile Manager. The frame is currently ITRF2014 and Geoid is currently EGM96(Global). This will likely be changing to Frame WGS84 and GEOID18(Conus) for further testing.

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Esri Contributor

Thank you for that information.

When changing the Geoid model to Geoid18 through TMM, I believe the resulting elevations are based off the NAVD88 vertical coordinate system and will be in units of meters. 

I have a few more questions:

  • What is the desired vertical coordinate system defined on the feature service? Is it different from NAVD88 (meters)?
  • For the configuration of the Trimble Catalyst receiver with Trimble Mobile Manager on the TDC600, just for clarification, you configured the mock location provider on the Android device itself. Is that correct?

Thank you





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Frequent Contributor

NAVD88 is what I want as that is the vertical coordinate system from the initial GDB and Features.

Yes, the mock location has been configured and enabled through the developer settings.

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Esri Contributor

Hi @CarsonG 

Thank you for that information. Once you've switched to using the Geoid18 model and have captured features in Field Maps, please let me know if the resulting elevations are what's expected.

Also if you're able to view the Z values per the arcade expression through the Map Viewer Beta.

Thank you


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Esri Contributor

Hi @CarsonG 

I just wanted to follow-up to see if you've been able to test with the Geoid18 model and if the resulting elevations are expected?


Thank you


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Frequent Contributor

Hello Kevin,

I have been working in the field this week and did not want to adjust our current settings. I’ll be able to test next week and will follow up with you as soon as I can. I will test the beta viewer tonight however to determine if the elevation is populating using arcade.



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