Enhance ArcGIS Field Maps with Location Logging for Related Table Record Creation

05-01-2024 04:00 AM
Emerging Contributor


In the current version of ArcGIS Field Maps, there isn't a built-in feature to log the current location of a mobile device when a record is added to a related inspection table. This feature could be beneficial for users who need to verify field workers location at the time of record creation, serving as proof that the user was indeed at the specified location.

Proposed Solution:

Introduce a new feature that automatically logs the location of a device whenever a record is added to a specific table. This location data could be stored in a separate field or table, and would be linked to the record that was created. This would provide a clear and reliable way to verify a user's location at the time of record creation.


- Accountability: This feature would provide a way to verify that users were at the specified location when they created a record. This could be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as inspections or audits.
- Flexibility: While ArcGIS Field Maps currently supports location tracking these features don't directly link location data to the creation of a record. The proposed feature would fill this gap.
- Customizability: Users could choose to enable or disable this feature based on their needs. They could also specify which tables or fields this feature applies to.


Thanks fro creating this for us Dhowal


Why not make the related table a related feature class instead?  I do this and it works fine.  

I also use Arcade to calculate the distance they are from a static lat long and warn them if they are too far away.

If you want to stay a table I think you could add a lat/long to the parent then use FeatureSet to pull that from the parent into the child then do the distance calc.  Not 100% sure the function to get the users current location but I would think there is one?

Just an idea.



I can make the inspection a feature class but how would you enforce GPS location capture on this feature class so that the user cannot set or alter the location in the usual way.

The requirement is to capture the location of the user when they create an inspection as proof they were actually there at the time they created the inspection. 


Ahh so you want to see if they moved the point manually.  Well in 123 I know you can do it but I am not sure in Field Maps.  You can basically hide the map question in 123 but I do not think Field Maps lists the map question so that you could set it to not editable?

I wonder if you can pull the GPS metadata then compare it to the geometry of the feature?  Since one comes right from the GPS and the other is the recorded location then maybe?  





I just need a way to prove they were on site as opposed to sitting in macdonalds marking everything as completed. 

Interesting regarding the GPS metadata, I wonder if I could hide or somehow prevent the user editing a point feature class that has GPS metadata enabled then update a field within it using an attribute rule from my inspection table and if that would still populate the metadata fields.

Looks like I have some tinkering to do.

Need to somehow prevent user intervention without preventing the metadata to populate for this to work though. 

  • GPS metadata is cleared for a point feature if the point's location is provided or updated without using the GPS or while metadata is not available.



What about using IsEmpty so that it only calcs at the start of the form?   And set that to read only of course.  Then if they move the point that field should not update.  If they open it before they get there that is an issue but always would be.


Could you not create Lat & Long fields and use Arcade to calculate the values? (fields would not be manually editable)



Yes I can create x and y fields but where would I calculate the value from? 

I am trying to grab the users GPS location at the time of inspection not the location of the asset that they are inspecting as that would not be proof that they are actually there.



From the outcome of the community conversation, I think we have circled back to needing an enhancement to add the ability to capture GPS from an arcade expression attribute rule




@ShaunGibbins yep - I've gone back and reviewed the Arcade functions and I don't believe you can access the GPS location - only feature locations. Until something like your idea is implemented, a related feature class instead of straight table with the IsEmpty condition on the field calculation from @DougBrowning would be the best bet.