Controlling domains in Forms

08-16-2023 03:05 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

I have a Status question for a polygon layer that has domains like 'New Request', 'In Progress', 'Send to Review', 'Send for Approval', ' Approved', and 'Rejected'.

Ans there is a workflow which includes User, Approver, and Reviewer. Users should have restricted access, So I have created a feature layer view for users.

I am trying to limit the domain values to 'New Request', 'In Progress', and 'Send to Review'  for the user's view layer while I edit the polygon attributes from Experience Builder using the Edit widget where I should select these values from the dropdown of the Status question.

The Edit widget is configured based on the web map setting, where the web map has Smart Forms which calculates values based on the arcade.

Is there any workaround to restrict to more than one values for the status question using arcade expressions in smart Forms?