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Allow labels to be toggled on or off from Field Maps app

04-26-2024 11:46 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Regular Contributor

It would be helpful if the Field Maps application allowed someone to turn labels on or off for a layer where labels have been configured. There are times it is helpful for a layer to be labeled on our field maps, but having it labeled all the time is not practical or helpful. A simple toggle from the app would be nice. 


Not ideal, but a workaround that may work depending on your situation is a duplicate of the layer - one with labels on and the other off. You can then turn them on and off as required in the map layers list. 


We have the same issue with our field app, with not being able to turn off labels. Especially when the user is zooming out, the labels covers all the data points. Our only workaround so far is to only have labels shown at a certain large scale zoom interval.

I cannot advice to try having duplicate layers, especially if its the ones used for data collection, as this will break the app. Also, Field Maps does not support offline use for maps with duplicate layers Configure the map—ArcGIS Field Maps | Documentation, so just be aware of that.


@cbp-geus yep - all very good points. To make it work offline you would need to create 2 different hosted views of the layer, not just duplicate the layer in the map. Scale intervals can certainly be beneficial to reduce that clutter as you zoom out. 


Another one of those things that seem like it should be basic functionality. I don't think I am alone in this situation: A map is used in both a web Experience and Field Maps, and while Field Maps renders quickly enough usually that having labels on by default is not an issue, I really want to be able to default the labels to off in the web map for the purposes of the Experience.


Yes, please, add label toggles.  Sometimes there are limits to what you can do with symbols.  I'm working on a layer that has about 40 categories in the domain, far to many for different symbols to be understandable, especially in the field. There are times when the  field user needs to see patterns in the data, and one way to do that would be to turn on labels.  


Because of the excessive number of labels, I couldn't see what was on the map and walked into a grizzly den. For safety's sake, can you please implement a label toggle function in Field Maps.


This would be extremely helpful, please do implement this!


Toggling labels on and off in Field Maps would be extremely useful. Even better would be also being able to change the attribute field for labels in Field Maps!