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List Widget not Displaying Attribute Labels in Advanced Template

New Contributor

Hi Community,

I am currently having issues with my list widgets when using the Routes Template in Experience Builder. I have set the data source, and the list is showing the correct number of records and is flashing to points when I select a record in the list, but the list text is not displaying correctly. The list is still displaying the default "Lorem Ipsum" text, and not the attribute name. I am new to Experience Builder, so this may be something obvious that I am missing, but please help! You can see in this image that there is an item selected and it is displaying on the map, but the text is not showing right:


Here is the configuration:


I know there are some bugs associated with the advanced templates, such as no spaces allowed in the Bookmarks text, so I am wondering if this is similar or just user error. Please let me know if you have any ideas, any help is appreciated!

Thank you!

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @HenriettaKrellenstein ,

After selecting a data source for the list widget, you can add dynamic content to the inner text widget.




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