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Keep Local Time Zone in CSV Exports?

01-31-2024 10:37 AM
New Contributor III

Inspection tables in Experience Builder are showing the correct local EST timestamps for an inspection date. When exported to CSV, the time is in UTC which is offset by several hours. Is there a setting or workaround, without manual recalculation to a new field, that will keep timestamps in EST when exported?

2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I also encountered this issue. We have data in DD/MM/YYYY in AGOL, everything looks fine but in the export via the table widget it changes it to MM/DD/YYYY. Have changed it in the web map settings, makes no difference.

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New Contributor III

I see that my timestamps export perfectly from my older WebApp Builder apps and the format in general exports better from WAB. For whatever reason ExB exports incorrectly and defaults to the database instead of what is appearing in the table view..

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