Just discovered the accordion widget -- it's my new favorite! I'm stumbling on selection one of the sections to be expanded on loading -- nothing is available in the drop down.
Wondered if perhaps someone else experienced this -- ? Is it me or is it a bug?
In a fresh new app with nothing else but the accordion, i get options so wondering if there's something about the overall page structure getting in the way...
Thanks for any insights you might have out there ...
happy new year!
Accordions are most often used for hiding and showing sections of related content. It shows item by clicking the + sign aside item.You can also chose how many items will be expandet.
Happy New Year to you too.
Thank you @Faiez !
The trouble I'm having is that the drop down for the 'Expand Items on loading' is empty ... seems like I should reach out to Tech Support.
Thanks, @Faiez -- Yep.
Finally figured it out --- It seems to happen when i put the configuration into "Custom" -- like to alter the UI for mobile vs desktop -- then that drop down goes empty. I'll get a bug submitted.