Extract Data Widget in Experience Builder

03-19-2024 09:23 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Request to change the behavior and current limitations of the Extract Data tool, which is in the Analysis widget in Experience Builder, under the 'Manage Data' category. This request is specifically asking for this tool to operate the same way in which it behaves in Web App Builder. In WAB, the tool knows what layers within your map/app can and cannot be used in extract features from. It simply ignores them from the list of layers that you can check on for extraction, but the current functionality of the same tool in EB is: produces the error message below:



This error appears if you have a map that contains feature services that are owned by other organizations and they have disabled exporting capabilities. If you have the same map (in Map Viewer Classic form) and create a WAB off of that, the Extract Data tool simply filters out layers you cannot export from and only shows you either just your organization's services that have export enabled, or all services in your map that have export enabled. 


To tack onto this idea.  It appears the Extract Data widget does not recognize ANY layers within the web maps sourced to the Experience Builder.  Thus the widget is unusable within EB.  There is currently no way to extract a KML from any sort of filtered/selected layer within EB.  

I currently have many layers with export data enabled in both the layer settings, as well as within EB; however, when I click an input layer I receive the message 'The map contains no compatible layers.  Add layers to the map or browse for layers to perform analysis.'




If I attempt this same workflow with any other analysis tool, all of the layers that are exportable appear in the list of selectable layers.  


@NW_-_MikeCibicki__GISS_ Exactly. Because of our issues, this tool within the Analysis widget is completely unusable. 

(My Idea request is necessary for ArcGIS Enterprise too, not just AGO.)


@ShengdiZhang Is this something that is on Esri's radar to correct/improve in future releases of AGO and Enterprise Portal?