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REST API query returns no geometry for complex polygons

08-21-2020 06:58 PM
New Contributor III

Enterprise 10.7.1 query doesn't return any geometry if the polygon is complex (very many vertices.) This occurs when requesting f=pbf. But, of course, featurelayer defaults to pbf these days. How can we fix/work around this

No geometry

Many rings

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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Can you elaborate on "very many vertices"?  And, did this work in previous versions of ArcGIS Enterprise?  Also, does it work if you change the output format?

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New Contributor III

haven't pin point the threshold number of vertices which breaks the query.

yes, work from earlier version

yes, work with f=json/xml

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

can you share either a polygon that has the issue or create a sample/example that shows the same issue?

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