I am trying to set a federated server as the hosting server of my portal for ArcGIS (all is version 10.7.1).
When I try it, I receive the following error:
In ArcGIS Manager, I can see that I have an error when trying to validate the Relational data Store:
In the server log I see this error: The connection property set was missing a required property or the property value was unrecognized. Underlying DBMS error[FATALE: nessuna voce in pg_hba.conf per l'host "", utente "hsu_h43ki", database "db_86rvv", SSL non abilitato SQLSTATE=]
How can I fix this error and be able to set the hosting server?
Hello Alessandro,
Is this a fresh installation of the ArcGIS Enterprise? Or is there existing content in the Data Store?
Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the late answer.
It's not a fresh installation but there's nothing hosted, so if you suggest to uninstall I can go with it without any problem.
Just want to be sure that I don't "break" anything since it's not the first time for me uninstalling a component of the ArcGIS Enterprise deploy and "break" something
Anyway, i really appreciate any suggestion from your side.
That could be a possibility, but I did notice that you also have a Tile Cache that validates. Do you have anything hosted in that Data Store?
Nope, but I guess I have a buggy installation.
I tried the WebGIS Dr initially (on a 10.5 version), but that didn't work.
So I tried the exportSite/importSite approach for migrating the single machine deployment onto another server.
Most likely this approach has led to an unstable installation and trying to fix everything is getting tedious. I guess it's time to reinstall everything from scratch.
Thanks for your help anyway, really appreciate it!