We have an ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 site. The Data Store changed over to READONLY mode. The Threshold for READONLY mode is set to 1024MB yet the disc space on the drive where the arcgisdatastore is stored still has 36GB available of 140GB disc (just over 25% free).
Any ideas why the Data Store would change over to READONLY if there is enough disc space?
Fraser Hand Rentia McLaughlin
Hello Julian,
Is the ArcGIS Data Store drive the same as the drive used for the virtual memory paging file?
Julian: What kind of a warning do you get when the ArcGIS Data Store changes to read-only? I ask because what if the ArcGIS Data Store is connected to some Emergency Services mission critical application that needs to write to the ArcGIS Data Store and all of a sudden it stops writing to the ArcGIS Data Store in the middle of the emergency because it has changed to read-only mode.
Do you have monitoring on the server holding the ArcGIS Data Store that would inform you of available disc space in advance of this switchover so you can take preventative action?
Thomas: Is there documentation included with AGS Enterprise that talks about the virtual memory paging file and the location of the ArcGIS Data Store (This seems to be an important ArcGIS Enterprise administration detail as it can lead to some serious issues)?
Hello Michael,
I'm not aware of any documentation regarding the Windows paging file and ArcGIS Data Store. I've seen the ArcGIS Data Store change to read-only mode before when other applications are writing to the same drive. Either temporarily or permanently reducing the available disk space.
Thanks for your replies.
The paging file is not on this D drive.
I deleted a very large hosted feature service. Could this somehow have used up additional disk space during the delete process and then freed it up again, causing the drive to drop below the threshold long enough to change it to read only?
Hello Julian,
Not to my knowledge, do you know what the available disk space was on the 😧 drive before you deleted the hosted feature service?
Is the 'arcgisportal' portal directory and install directory also located on the 😧 drive? If it occurs again I would recommend reviewing portal logs (DEBUG) and the data store logs.