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Print services not working correctly Portal for ArcGIS

04-09-2018 10:25 PM
Regular Contributor


Does anyone know of a good trouble shooting resource for fixing print issues within webmaps? Currently only able to get the very basic default portal print option working, and only when publicly sharing feature services. If I only share items to organisation, it doesn't seem to work at all. Problem also persists with either hosted or referenced data.

As far as using the ArcGIS server printing service, cannot get anything working from this at all. 

Using following setup: 10.6 enterprise across 2 machines. Portal and web adapters on one, then server and datastore on other. With site fully federated and otherwise functional using ca signed certs. 

Any help is appreciated!


19 Replies
Frequent Contributor

1. Check SSL certs on portal, server, web server hosting web adaptor.  Are they correctly bound?  Do these components trust each other?

2. Verifiy authentication tier used for your portal/server.  Where are users authenticated and where are tokens generated?  We use portal user authentication tier and token generation.  Our users are sourced from enterprise MS AD.

3. Verify Utilities/PrintingTools are shared from your portal.  If you don't see the printing utility in your REST services directory unless you log in, then the utility isn't shared to everyone.

4.  Our server is federated with our portal.  This string in portal admin works in our enterprise.  Notice it is the web adaptor URL without port numbers: 

Regular Contributor

Thanks Todd Metzler ,

1. I did think certs were correctly bound, unfortunately I'm not a specialist when it comes to certs, all I can say is that federation seemed to be functioning correctly. Therefore I assumed the machines trusted each other? I'll keep trying to investigate this. 

2. We're using portal authentication

3. Printing tools are definitely shared to our organisation, do they need to be shared public? surely not? Either way it seems I do need to login to be able to view the print tool in REST

4. Yes our server is also federated and that same string works for us. 

thanks again for your insight. 

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Emerging Contributor

I am having a similar behavior after upgrade from 10.4.1 to 10.6. Anybody found a solution from this problem?

I am using a print service that was published with custom layouts. Sometimes i receive an error that the print service was not able to access the services that needs to be print (secured service) and sometimes the instance of the service is crashing.

If the services that needs to be printed are shared with everyone, the problem does not happen.

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

I'm having the same problem here. And I asked the Customer services and they say it's a BUG (BUG-000113813). But I can't find any info in this bug in Technical Support. 

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Occasional Contributor

FYI, I opened a ticket with Support on similar issues (when configuring PrintTools in Portal, failed with "Unable to reach the print service" despite the service being up and shared to everyone). For us, it turned out that our 10.6 upgrade did not upgrade the config-store. To check, go to your arcgisserver\config-store location and open version.json in a text editor. If the serverVersion is not what you expect it to be, this might be your issue. Note apparently the print capabilities were completely redesigned in 10.6. We upgraded the config-store and PrintTools is working as expected.

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

Hey All,

I had a similar problem with our Portal print services, which we don't really use (portal 10.6.1, Federated, hosting server),  Pointing to my server utilities ala


didn't work - also our Server Manager did not list a print service anywhere.  I'm not concerned about custom templates, just wanted my logs to be clean, pointing to AGOL worked fine on our Portal: 

It gave us 9 templates!  And my logs are clean.

Any concerns I may not see?

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Deactivated User

This is a very basic suggestion, so apologies to anyone who has already tried this, but I've been having some issues in Google Chrome lately that has been contributing to having my printing hang in certain Portal web mapping applications.

To see if this is what is causing issues for you, and you're using Google Chrome, you may want to first confirm whether or not the issue persists in Incognito Mode (use a similar privacy mode in a different browser).

If the issue does not persist in Incognito Mode, go to Google Chrome Settings > Advanced > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data, and clear your cache there.  You may also want to clear other items like history, cookies, etc.  If you're using a different browser, the steps should be fairly similar.  Doing "Empty Cache and Hard Reload" in the browser/tab session doesn't seem to work on my issue, but clearing the browsing data does.

I have a hunch that maybe updating your web map application in Web AppBuilder Developer Edition can cause this issue.  I updated several applications from WAB version 2.7 to 2.11 and then started to experience issues using the Print Widget on those applications.  The one application I updated from WAB version 2.10 to 2.11 did not seem to have this issue.

Esri Contributor

Good morning,

Configuring the service account Local Intranet settings and adding your domain URL to the local intranet zone can help fix this problem. To understand further the link between user account, services, service account and your machines you can undertake the following web course:


Regular Contributor

We have a similar issue in our dual enterprise environment, deployed using ESRI DSC for multiple machines. Organization -> Edit Settings -> Utility Services -> Printing has the ArcGIS Server print service already with multiple templates. However, when open a map in Portal, the "Print" menu has only two templates available: MAP and MAP_ONLY. It appears that for some reason, the other templates from the ArcGIS Server print service are not recognized, and the "Print" menu is actually using the templates from the Portal print service itself. So the solution is, remove the print service url from Utility Services -> Printing, Save, and then come back to Utility Services -> Printing, add the ArcGIS Server print service url again. This will trick Portal to recognize the ArcGIS Server printing service. This can be double checked by going to the "Print" menu of a map in Portal. All the templates are listed there.  

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Occasional Contributor

I had the same issue as Hamish and it did turn out to be a cert issue. Ensure that if you are using a CA cert that you use the same one on both the portal and the server(s). 

Server(s): server/admin/machines/machinename(s)

Ensure that the Web Server SSL Certificate field is the same CA cert for all. Once I did that printing worked as expected. Note that I'm running Enterprise all on the one box as well. 

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