I have a 10.7.1 Portal installation, federated with a server 10.7.1 installation.
I have several issues with my configuration. Both Portal and Server are on a local network, both using internally signed certificates. The portal and server load over https fine, but certain features cannot be used, such as:
Printing-Nor the portal default printing or the federated services
- Portal default printing comes back with a 400 error or a Cert_invalid error
- Federated printing services fail with a CORS policy error; and I am asked to sign in to access the item, which fails with the error "cannot access authentication service"
Thumbnails are not created on new maps, and cannot be created from the map
Extent cannot be accessed or set in the organization settings
This all seems to point to a printing issue, but I cannot figure out the access problem to the .js files that throw errors related to certificates of CORS configurations. When I copy/past the path to inaccessible files in a browser I access them fine over https. I've tried a myriad of solutions with no success. I'm almost ready to start over, but would like to explore all options before doing so.
If you need some more info or log errors please let me know and I'd be happy to oblige.