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Error: 500 when add service from ArcGIS Server 10.6

04-13-2018 06:00 AM
New Contributor II

iam trying to add service layer from arc gis server 10.6  to portal 10.6 

As https:

failed to load resource the server responded with a status of 500() ArcGIS server 10.6

if I use to add it as HTTP

 it  gives me error failed to load features 

layers add successfully to content but nothing appeared in the web map 

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9 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Mohammad,

If you go to your REST Services Directory, are you able to access the service there?  Can you query or view it through the REST Services directory?

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New Contributor II

Hi Jake,

when making query no it take a long time without any responses and i tried to restart server and services but nothing happened 

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Seems like something is wrong with ArcGIS Server.  Is there anything reported in the ArcGIS Server logs (ArcGIS Server Manager > Logs tab > Query)?

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New Contributor II

Dear Jake, 

i tried to restart the server machine and now query work on local server but still, have the same problem while trying to add service to webmap in portal 

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Click F12 on your keyboard and click on the Console tab.  Then try adding the layer to your web map.  Are there any errors reported in the console?

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New Contributor II

no no errors but now i restart portal server two and it works correctly but I can`t understand why this happens it`s not logic to me .

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New Contributor II

really many thanks for your help, Jake.

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Regular Contributor

Mohammad, did you upgrade your server install or did you uninstall the previous version and then add a fresh install of ArcGIS 10.6?  Here is a help that sounds familiar to this: 

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New Contributor II

not its first installation (fresh install)

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