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Disable password reset functionality

08-04-2021 09:02 PM
Frequent Contributor

ArcGIS Enterprise Portal allows you to set showForgotUsername: false in the config.js and it also allows you to disable the ability for users to create built-in accounts via the portal organisation settings page. What is missing is the ability to disable the "forgot password" interface. Using this interface allows someone to confirm/deny the existence of accounts within the identity store even if that identity is within the built-in store or a 3rd party identity store (e.g. ldap).

Is there a mechanism for disabling the ability to reset a password for an account in Portal?

3 Replies
New Contributor

this deserves an answer, when using LDAP only, forgotten password requests get sent to ESRI, that's nonsense

Emerging Contributor

Yes possible.
<Installation Directory>\webapps\arcgis#home


Rename the troubleshoot.html file to troubleshoot_old.html file.

It will disable Forgot password functionality

Esri Regular Contributor

This work around is a hack and does nothing to change the back end API. It just obfuscates the troubleshoot.html page. Please log an enhancement with support to block this capability if you're using IWA OR if you're only allowing organization-specific logins.