While in Export, when a user is editing a text box, he may want to delete some of the words. There is no problem if the Backspace button is used. However, there is a problem if the Delete button is used.
Because the text box is selected when it is edited, using the Delete button will delete the text box. When the box is deleted, the text options menu will still be visible but broken. To remove this menu, the user have to interact with it first and then click anywhere else.
Thank you!
Thanks for reporting this issue. good findings !
It's absolutely a bug. I logged it in the product backlog and will fix it soon in next release (hopefully 2.2).
BTW, ArcGIS Earth Desktop 2.1 is planned to be released in this week, have a try ? have fun !
Thanks again!
Hi @Sharon_MU ,
I downloaded and tested (beta) from the Early Adopter program. I submitted 4 bugs:
I just downloaded and tested the current version I found out that none of the bugs I submitted were fixed. Unfortunately, we cannot deploy 2.1 across our organization if the high severity bug is not fixed. Here is the bug :
ArcGIS Earth cannot load web KMZ in StartupLayers
In an XML configuration file, add the same KMZ layer twice. Add the first layer from a local file, and the second layer from a web server. Something like this :
<layer name="Layer 1" type="KML" url="C:\folder\layer.kmz" visible="False" icon="https://servername/folder/icon.png"/>
<layer name="Layer 2" type="KML" url="https://servername/folder/layer.kmz" visible="False" icon="https://servername/folder/icon.png"/>
If you change Layer 2 for a KML instead of a KMZ, Layer 2 will load correctly. So this problem with web files is only for KMZ.
This was not an issue in ArcGIS Earth 1.18 and earlier (I don't know if it was an issue in 2.0...).
Great thanks for the sharing the concern !
We logged all the valid issues received from all kind of channels of user feedbacks, including the 4 helpful issues you shared with us.
For the 'bug' marked as high severity, related to KMZ as startup layers, I tested it as soon as I received it. But, I didn't reproduce it from my end. It works as expected, and actually there is no change at this point from V1.18 to V2.1.
I'm sharing the configuration code snippet and result with you. Could you please test again using the sample to check if it works ? Please share your testing result with us.
I made 3 lines in the `startupLayers` , the 1st one for local KML, the 2nd for online KML, and the 3rd for online KMZ. All of the 3 layers works as expected. (Please specific icons available on you side.)
<startupLayers name="" visible="True" icon="">
<layer name="" type="KML" url="C:\KML\PhysicalWidthLine.kml" visible="True" icon="C:\bower.ico"/>
<layer name="" type="KML" url="http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/1.0_week_age_link.kml" visible="True" icon="C:\xml.ico"/>
<layer name="" type="KML" url="http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis/kml/nhc.kmz" visible="True" icon="C:\esri.jpeg"/>
For other 3 issues, I believe they are in progress. We also need to manage the priority from all the issue we received. I'll track the issue in the pipeline and keep you posted.
It's strongly recommended that you and your organization update ArcGIS Earth to V2.1. In V2.0 and V2.1, a lot of new features and enhancement are introduced. We really expect your team enjoy the enhanced function and improved user experience with the latest software.
More details:
ArcGIS Earth 2.1 (December 2023)
Please feel free to let us know if questions or concern on your mind.
Thank you again !
Hi @Sharon_MU,
You are right, http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis/kml/nhc.kmz do work as a KML Startup Layer. The problem must be with our web servers then.
I still don’t know why our organizational KMZ won’t load… The problem may occur because I test 2.1 on a virtual machine. For some network or security reason, our web servers may fail to deliver KMZ on a VM ??
Thank you.
Thanks for the feedback.
How about adding the KMZ directly via Add Data window or by drag & drop to the viewport ?
Generally, if the KMZ file can be directly added and loaded to ArcGIS Earth, it is for sure able to be loaded in Startup layers. As I checked with our developers, the backend coding is shared in both of the function.
Please feel free to let me know if you have further questions that I can help.
Sharon Mu
Weird enough, the KMZ can successfully be loaded via Add Data window or by a drag & drop to the viewport. It just cannot be loaded as a Startup Layer from our web server…
I used the same nhc.kmz layer twice. The one loading from NOAA is correctly loading, but the one loading from our web server isn’t. So the problem must be with our web server.
Thank you.