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Failure to generate 3D Mesh

10-01-2024 10:00 AM
New Contributor

Since moving to Drone2Map 2024.1 and 2024.1.1, I have not been able to create a 3D mesh. All other products, including the point cloud, process fine. 

I have run data from multiple drones and on multiple computers. In each case the log indicates that all the images were processed but gives me the following Runtime error.

"Runtime error occurred: Error when looking for transformation from WGS_1984+WGS_1984(GXYZ 4978 PROJ 0 GEOG 4326 VERT 115700 ) to GCS_WGS_1984+EGM96_Geoid(GXYZ 0 PROJ 0 GEOG 4326 VERT 5773 ) : Found no vertical transformations

GENERATING 3D mesh failed"

I have used GCPs and even adjusted the Project Coordinate System to match the Image Coordinate System so that no transformation was necessary, but still got the error and no mesh. 

Any suggestions?  




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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @StevenJacobus ,

I had a look at the coordinate systems that you appear to be using for your projects and there are valid transformations, even without having the ArcGIS Coordinate System data installed. When you look at the processing options coordinate system section do you see a transformation being applied?



Also are you able to share the processing log and report from one of the projects? If so, include the d2m.log (C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Drone2Map\log\D2M.log)

Thank you,

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New Contributor

For the image coordinate system I was using WGS 1984 for the xy and EGM96 Geoid for the z. I also tried WGS 1984 for the z since that was the default in older versions of D2M. For the Project Coordinate system I usually try for the NJ State Plane NAD 1983 StatePlane New Jersey FIPS 2900 feet and NAVD88 (ftUS), but I have tried other systems to try and get a result. I have gotten Transformations applied and when I match the coordinate systems I have gotten the message that no transformation is required but if I ask for a 3d textured Mesh I get the same runtime error in the processing log referring to the transformation I still can't find.

I attached the latest D2M log

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Esri Contributor

Hi @StevenJacobus,

I had a flight from New York state that I tried processing in those coordinate systems as a general test. A transformation is automatically applied if you have the ArcGIS Coordinate system data installed. The processing completed with no errors for the 3D mesh generation. I wasn’t using any GCPs in my test, have you tested without the GCPs and received the same behavior?

I'd like to see your data to help troubleshoot this faster. If you are open to sharing the images and GCPs, please let me know. You can email me ( and I will get a shared folder going.  

Otherwise, please send the processing report from the project and a new d2m.log with the logging level set to debug. 


Thank you,

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