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Schedule Python script that uses Data Interoperability using Task Scheduler

11-08-2022 05:43 AM
Regular Contributor

I've tried following the blog post Schedule a Python Script using Windows Task Schedu... - Esri Community & however the script doesn't seem to have done anything after Windows has run the task?

I reviewed the comments about absolute file paths & everything seems ok. 

If I copy & paste the code below into a python command window it works fine but I need to get it working with task scheduler 

import arcpy; arcpy.CheckOutExtension("DataInteroperability"); arcpy.ImportToolbox("C:\Toolbox.tbx", 'ImportNSG'); arcpy.ImportNSG_ImportNSG(); arcpy.CheckInExtension("DataInteroperability")

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Esri Regular Contributor

I think you should open a support call, it should run provided Data Interoperability is installed on the machine you're running the task on.  I would check arcpy imports (i.e. licensing is OK) especially by instrumenting the script by writing out arcpy.AddMessage().

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