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Update element or indicator text with selected values?

01-14-2022 12:31 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have a few category selectors which filter indicators and other elements on my dashboard. There's a selector for year, for example, so that the user can filter features by the year field (grouped values). When a category value is selected, it is configured to update the indicator.

The indicator has a generic title: 'Outcome in the selected years'. But is there any way to show on the indicator what year values have been selected? For example, if the user selects two different years, can the text on the indicator update to say "There are (number) features in [year1, year2]' where year1, year2 are the years they selected?

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Unfortunately, don't think so. At least, there's not an easy way to do it. You do have the ability to use Arcade for advanced formatting in your indicator, but the indicator doesn't allow you to access the FeatureSet functions necessary to pull in your layer's data and generate a list of years like that.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
Emerging Contributor

Ah, okay, thanks!

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