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Dashboard Report

05-22-2019 06:26 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi, could someone tell me how can I generate reports from a Dashboard?  #individual report#Dashboard

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4 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Cuarta,

> ... could someone tell me how can I generate reports from a Dashboard?

This functionality is not currently available in Operations Dashboard. Please vote for the enhancement, 

Hope this helps,

New Contributor

This is spot on!  I have been working on my first dashboard or two to provide "quick and easy" graphic-based snapshot status reports for our crews and crew leaders.  The dashboard is great for management to get a very high level view of key information.  The gap here is that the management will see an area/item of concern, and immediately want to capture it and send it to someone to investigate (who's working on what, how many open work orders are there...).  But without a reporting option, you can't.  This means they find useful info by drilling down in the dashboard (no need to know how to make query statements, just click on items along the way), and then once they have an area of concern, or count of open work orders that must be reviewed... then... nothing.  They can't "forward" the items of concern to someone to review.

Frequent Contributor

@DerekLaw ,

The functionality to generate reports is so important. Has this been implemented?


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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @RoseZhou2,

".. generate reports ..." in ArcGIS Dashboards is a pretty broad and vague requirement. If you could please share your specific workflows on what exactly you would like to do, that would be helpful. The ability to export data to CSV has been implemented.

You could submit an enhancement on the ArcGIS Dashboards Ideas forum.

FYI: I moved teams and don't work on the ArcGIS Dashboards product anymore.

Hope this helps,



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