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Try some dashboards

12-07-2017 05:47 AM
by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
9 38 30.4K

With the December 6th update to ArcGIS Online, the completely new, web-centric experience for Operations Dashboard is out of beta and released! Let’s look at some of the stunning, interactive dashboards that have been built with it, and some tips for using them. Click the image of a dashboard to open a shared version you can take for a test drive.

Snow Plow Dashboard

The Snow plow dashboard monitors snow plowing: what streets are plowed, where trucks are, have been, and are going, and complaints about the plowing efforts. Using the dashboard, you can restrict the truck tracks in the dashboard to time intervals, such as the last 5 minutes or last hour, as well as to a particular plow. All this can be used to inform decisions about what happens next.

Use this dashboard to answer questions like:

  • How many current complaints are there?
    Hint: Read the text.
  • What percentage of roads have been plowed?
    Hint: Hover over the “plowed” section of the “Status of Streets” chart.
  • Where is Truck2, and how fast is it going?
    Hint: Select Truck2 in the drop-down list in the upper-right corner.
  • What mailbox was recently hit?
    Hint: Click the compliant to center the map on it.
  • Are there areas that haven’t been visited in the last hour?
    Hint: Show the tracks of all trucks over the last hour.

Water Quality Dashboard

The Water Quality dashboard shows the current water quality as reported by sensors at various locations. It includes detailed mercury, E. coli, and enterococcus bacteria levels, as well as ratings of OK, Advisory, and Unknown for each sensor. This information provides an understanding of the water quality for the region.

Use this dashboard to answer questions like:

  • What is the water quality in my county?
    Hint: Expand the left-hand panel and choose your county.
  • What sites currently have mercury levels of .2 or higher?
    Hint: Expand the left-hand panel and restrict mercury level to .2 and higher.
  • How many creeks have advisory water quality?
    Hint: Expand the left panel and restrict the Site Type to Creek and the Status to Advisory.

General tips for using dashboards

The exact functionality of a dashboard is up to the author: they can add elements and actions to present the information they need to communicate. However, there are some things common to using the features when they are enabled:

  • Hover over sections in a chart to see details.
  • Select entries in lists. Authors can configure various actions to occur, such as zooming to them or filtering other elements.
  • Use selectors in the left panel or header to choose subsets of the data that you want to focus on. When the left panel is collapsed, you can show it by clicking on the expand arrow in the middle of the left edge of the dashboard. Once shown, you can pin it to easily toggle values.
  • Use Select to take configured actions with selected features, including flashing them or using them to filter other elements.
  • Elements can be stacked, and you’ll use tabs to view the different elements.
  • Use the full screen to view an element in detail by clicking Expand. Clicking it when full-screen returns you to the full dashboard.
  • Return to the default extent of the map by clicking Home.
  • Access more information through the header: the logo can be linked to a website, or links can be added to a menu in the upper-right corner. If a help link was provided for the dashboard, it is accessible through the menu.
Regular Contributor


What widget was used in the Water Quality Inspections example to filter the dashboard elements? Is this an out of the box widget or did it have to be customized?



by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Molly, 

Those are selectors, and are out-of-the-box. 

Occasional Contributor

Are there any guides for how these were built, specifically the snow plow dashboard?

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Dan,

We don't have specific details on how to create the Snow Plow dashboard, but have you seen these resources:

And there will be an Esri live training seminar next month, 

Hope this helps,

Deactivated User

Are they configured to work against related records? If so, please can someone point me towards a tutorial on how to do this. I need to create something just like this, but with condition inspection information related to water assets like Valves and Hydrants.


by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Selectors can be configured to work with the same layer or with other layers (such as related records) by using field mapping. To do what I think you're asking would require you to create a selector using the water asset locations (features). You would also create a list or details showing the inspection reports (this would be the related table). You can then configure the actions in the selector to filter the list/details by setting a source field and a target field.

Now when I select a water site, the list filters to show only the related records for that site. I also configured the map to filter to only show that water site.

My dashboard after completion:


Category selector configuration to use water monitoring site locations (points):

Category Selector Using Features

Action configuration of the category selector (notice the field mapping to the list):

Field Mapping

I hope this helps,


Deactivated User

Hi Aaron,

I appreciate the response. I wired my dashboard up to replicate the functionality you walk through above and it works exactly as described. However, I actually want to work the other way: Selecting based on filtered values from my related table. Sadly when trying to configure a selector against a related table the field mapping piece of the Actions panel won't allow me to pick the source field (see attached image).

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

It's likely that your selector is configured to use "Defined Value" rather than "Features" or "Grouped Values". The one-sided field mapping occurs when the source is using a fixed value, rather than an attribute from a feature.

Deactivated User


You're correct - switching to 'Features' or 'Grouped Values' allows me to field map successfully. Now I can chose an entry from my Selector and the map & list will update accordingly. 

One more questions though: Instead of the Selector being a list of all individual records that match my filter (eg: DATE is after 1/1/2017) is there a way to have it select ALL records that meet the criteria? This way it could fire the Action and select only those Valves with Inspections in 2017. I tried switching from 'Selector' to 'Date Selector' but am back to being unable to map the FID-to-FID fields I used previously to filter the map, I can only map other fields where the datatype is "date". I guess I'm looking to recreate the old "Query" functionality and filter records by date.



by Anonymous User
Not applicable

If you want to filter by dates, then you should be using the date selector. The date selector allows you to map the date (in the selector) to a field in a layer. This is one-sided field mapping. 

In the date selector you can create date based filters, and/or use a date-picker. You can configure multiple selectors to target the same visualizations. This allows you to build dynamic filters, rather than (or in addition to) using pre-defined filters/queries. For example, I could create a Category selector (using Grouped Values) to select water sites based on water body type. I could also create a Date selector to select water sites that have been updated within a certain time period. I could configure both selectors to target the same map layer. Then when I select a type "Pond" in the category selector, it will filter the layer to only show ponds. When I additionally select a date in the date selector, it will then further filter the ponds to only show ponds updated on that specific date.

Date Selector Config to filter by the current year (2017) or by 2018.

Date Selector

Date selector action config tab. Here I tell the selector to filter the layer in the map using the "Sample Date Time" field. 

Date selector target

Deactivated User

Thanks again for replying Aaron - but here's the problem: In your example above your Action is to filter the Sample Date field which is an attribute of the point layer.  All my inspection data is held in the related table with the only attributes behind my point layer being FID. Thus I need to filter a date in the related table then filter the locations so only those with a related inspection during 2017 are shown.  

I'd question why I would maintain the last inspection date in the point layer? That's something that should be maintained in the related inspection. Plus if I followed your model above I'd have to change the 'Last Inspected' date after every inspection and then can't filter on older inspections. I need to be able to date filter but field match on FID in my related table to FID in my point layer.

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Oh okay, yeah I see what you mean now. The workflow you propose is not supported at this time, but I can see how this would be useful. I'll log an enhancement issue for our team to research this more.

Currently, the app can filter the related records (in a list) by date (using a date selector). Then if you select one or more features in the list, the point layer could be configured to only show those selected points. I think this is the best we can do for now.

In my case, the data is coming from a simulated sensor, so the most recent values update the actual point layer. At the same time the data is archived into a related table so you can see change over time.

Frequent Contributor

Would anyone happen to have the code for the Detail List on the Operations Dashboard for the Water Quality Report? I am able to configure the HTML to show one color but I want to be able to replicate the List that was created here Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS 

<p><span style="font-size:14px">{Site}</span></p>

<p><span style="background-color:#2b864d; border-radius:3px; border:1px solid #2b864d; color:#242424; float:right; font-size:11px; padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px">{Alert}</span></p>

Here is the code example that I have right now.

Would like the Advisory to be Red.

Deactivated User

If you want to see the see the underlying JSON:

  1. Go to ArcGIS Online Assistant 
  2. Search AGO for the item number
  3. under 'i want to...' choose 'view and items JSON' then click the item you want to see
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

<p><span style="background-color:{advisory_color}; border-radius:3px; border:1px solid {advisory_color}; color:#242424; float:right; font-size:11px; padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px">{advisory_text}</span></p>

<div style="float:left">
<p><span style="font-size:14px">{WATERBODYNAME}</span></p>

<p><span style="color:#b8553b; float:left">{ADVISORYDESC}</span></p>

Frequent Contributor


I was able to test your code in the dashboard but I am getting the same result that I posted in my original message. I have attached a screenshot of what I am currently getting with your code. I also attached a screenshot from the Water Quality Dashboard that was posted on this site to show what I am looking to get.  Thanks.


by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Are you using the same public service as the demo dashboard?

In that demo, there are two attributes used to define the colors/text (advisory_color and advisory_text). The color gets injected into the html to set it according to the feature.

Frequent Contributor

I am using something similar to the demo dashboard. I have a point feature class with a text field that has a domain set up with "Advisory" & "Ok" with 8 features on the map. On the List currently, I have all the values coded as green when I would like the "Advisory" value to be red and the "Ok" to be green.

Esri Contributor

Hi Eric,

I did this by making a field called “color” with the hex color code correlating to the status/advisory value. Using the HTML editor for the list, I referenced the color field in the CSS (style tag on a span).

Hope this helps


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Frequent Contributor

Hey Dave,

I got it. You're the man. Thank you so much! Here's the code if anyone is interested.

<p><span style="font-size:14px">{Site}</span><span style="background-color:{color}; border-radius:3px; border:1px solid #{color}; color:#242424; float:right; font-size:11px; padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px">{Alert}</span></p>

Esri Esteemed Contributor

FYI, here's another beautiful sample Crime Dashboard built by David Nyenhuis to explore.

Crime Dashboard built on Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS 

Some functional highlights:

1. Spatial Filters - From the left panel, you can filter the entire dashboard as well as layers in the map using the geometry of features from a layer (Police Divisions).

2. Relative time filters - In the header element, you can filter the dashboard using a relative time.

3. Trending Indicators - Click on the comparison tab beneath the map. Here you will see that the Indicator shows the trend and percentage change since the last year that is even filtered over the past 14 days.

4. Scaling Crime symbology - A very cool effect, that really has nothing to with the Dashboard at all. Using relative time filters and arcade expressions, you can symbolize crimes using a scaling effect that change over time where the most recent crimes appear larger than others.


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Dan,

FYI, David Nyenhuis posted a blog on how he built the Snow Plow dashboard,

Hope this helps,

Regular Contributor

What are the chances that the Chat Widget in the Windows Desktop version of Operations Dashboard will make it into the Web Based version? And any timeline on this happening?

Also I truly find the current release of the Web Based Operations Dashboard very powerful and capable of providing the types of Operational views needed for Public Safety Operations Centers.

I'm hopeful that there will be some power enhancements coming in the near future such as the Chat widget previously mentioned as well as some other Widgets that allow integration with Real-time Video/Audio services and integration with the GeoEvents Server.

Streaming Services such as Chat, Messaging, Video, Audio, etc... would be an awesome enhancement to the current Operations Dashboard platform and are necessary for true Public Safety Operations Centers. Real-time access to all data is the key to dealing with Natural Disasters and/or Man-made Disasters... weather related events, search and rescue events, criminal events, fire fighting events, terroristic events, etc.

Thanks for the awesome work and the great tools and keep'em coming!


Chris Rogers

Law Enforcement Programs Administrator

Oklahoma Department of Public Safety 

Occasional Contributor

I'm creating a gauge to show values averaged over a number of different geographies (census tracts).  The gauge option only allows a raw (unweighted) average.  Is there a way to show weighted averages?  I could create a new column of data with the weighted average, but that would not be dynamic with filtering.



Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your feedback on Operations Dashboard.

> What are the chances that the Chat Widget in the Windows Desktop version of Operations Dashboard will make it into the Web Based version? And any timeline on this happening?

We don't have any plans to enable this functionality in the new Ops Dashboard at this time. Can you please submit an enhancement for this on the ArcGIS Ideas site?

> allow integration with Real-time Video/Audio services and integration with the GeoEvents Server.

FYI, you can view GeoEvents Server stream services in the map element now. And we are working on enabling other elements to work directly with stream services.

Since you mentioned a lot of public safety use cases for Ops Dashboard, have you seen this video?

Achieving Situational Awareness with Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

Also, if you've built a publicly accessible dashboard app - we would love to see it.

Hope this helps,

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Peter,

> Is there a way to show weighted averages?  

The gauge element does not support weighted averages at this time. Can you please submit an enhancement for this on the ArcGIS Ideas site?

Hope this helps,

Frequent Contributor

Hi Derek,

Do you know if the List Widget can support Arcade Expressions? I need to convert an Integer field from Knots to MPH with a NOAA Wind Observed Speed Map Service.



Esri Contributor

Hi Eric,

Not at this time. However, it is on our roadmap.

- Dave

Esri Esteemed Contributor


I would ask that if anyone has further Ops Dashboard questions, to please post in a new thread - instead of asking in this one. Creating a new thread will help other users when they search to check if their question(s) were previously asked.


Regular Contributor

Thanks Derek,

I will endeavor to add the Chat Widget as an Enhancement request in the ArcGIS Ideas Site.

I don't have any Public facing Ops Dashboards but I'd be happy to share/invite you and/or Chris D. and John Beck to a project so that you can see it if you'd like. Otherwise I can drop you some screen shots to check out.

I have seen the Video link you provide and it was nicely done. Typically we stretch the Out of the Box use of these solutions to fit our needs and bend to our will but alias there are some limitations without getting into AppStudio and banging out some code to extend and/or enhance the COTS for specific use cases.

The best part is the rate of growth and maturity with these new features is amazing including Workforce, Survey123, and StoryMap we creatively blend many of these together to provide various solutions for our Officers/Troopers.

Thanks again for the feedback!



Esri Esteemed Contributor

Belated thanks for the feedback Chris. And I would be interested in seeing a screenshot of your OpsDashboard app if you can share, just send me an email: Thanks.

Emerging Contributor

What basemap are you using?

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Josua,

Are you referring to the Philadelphia Crime Dashboard in my earlier post?

It is using the Streets (night) basemap.

Hope this helps,

Emerging Contributor

Thanks Derek

Emerging Contributor

Hey Derek,

I have been trying to use the same basemap as in the Water Quality Dashboard but couldn't seem to find it.

Is it part of ESRI Basemaps that I can use or is it custom made

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Josua,

> ... use the same basemap as in the Water Quality Dashboard

It is also using the Streets (night) basemap.

Hope this helps,

Regular Contributor

Hi Josua,

It took me a moment to find it too be aware there are (or were) two one deprecated and one authoritative.

The one I think you need to look for is World_Basemap_v2 I've included the link below. 

Hope this helps!

Chris Rogers

Christopher L. Rogers
Law Enforcement Programs Administrator

Oklahoma Department of Public Safety

International Association of Crime Analysts

Deactivated User

Hi Aaron Pulver‌ (and Derek Law‌)

I'm creating a new dashboard but facing the same old issue as described here that I never resolved; If attempting to creating a Defined Value category selector how do I get to field map my query to the relevant field in (this new case) a list of features?

About the Author
Our kids need GIS in their problem-solving toolboxes. I'm working to get digital maps into each K-12 classroom and the hands of each child. A long-time Esri employee, I've previously worked on Esri's mobile apps, focused on documentation and best practices. Out of the office I'm a runner often found on the trails or chasing my children.