Hello Dathen,
Are you able to update attributes for existing records in Portal webmap? What editing capabilities do you have enabled on the feature service used with Collector?
If you want to editing existing records the feature service would need to have the update capability enabled.
Editor permissions for feature services—Documentation | ArcGIS Enterprise
I am having this same issue. The only changes I made were, I added a field to the table in the feature layer and changed the popup title. any Ideas?
Hello Wade,
What capabilities do you have enabled on the feature service. Are you also attempting to edit the feature layer in a web map. You can check the capabilities of a feature service from the ArcGIS Server REST endpoint.
Example URL: https://<host>/<site>/rest/services/<folder>/<serviceName>/<serviceType>/<layerNumber>
When viewing a specific layer of the feature service scroll down to the bottom of the screen. You should see a capabilities parameter. For example:
Capabilities: Create,Delete,Extract,Query,Sync,Update,Uploads,Editing