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What is Error Code 400: Invalid Query Parameters?

03-22-2019 04:51 AM
New Contributor II


Was using ArcCollector for the first time to collect data to a mxd with 5 layers.  This went well, with no issues, until the GPS tablet battery went flat while Collector and the map were still open.  Upon recharging the tablet, the mxd was still open, but only the data from two of the five layers was visible.

When trying to open the tables for the 'missing' data's layers, I received an error message about Error Code 400.  Tried the typical restart/reboot.  Nothing in my limited bag of tricks helped to recover the data that was collected.

I am certainly no expert in this software.  I am hoping for advice on how to recover this missing data, and how to avoid that happening in the future.


1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi Tory,

Were you using online or offline editing in Collector? If you are downloading the web map for offline editing the device may have powered down before you were able to sync. If this is the case it's possible the edits are still store locally on your table. 

If you were using online editing any edits should be immediate applied to feature service. In this scenario any edits lost when the tablet powered down may not be recoverable.



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