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Map Failed To Download

03-25-2014 04:54 PM
New Contributor III
I've been trying to test the offline editing capabilities of collector but I can't get the map to download to my devices. I've created a very simple map on ArcGIS Online with one point shapefile which I've uploaded and created a feature service of. Both the feature service and map are enabled for offiline editing and I get the download icon for the map to appear when I open up Collector. I can go through the process of selecting the area I'm intersted in and setting the map scale. Once I hit download it processes anywhere from 20%-50% and then I get this error "The map failed to download The map 'xxxxx' failed to download with the message:" (there is no message).

I've tried downloading from two different wifi connections as well as from my wireless network.

Devices: Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Note 10.1

Any suggestions would be great.

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55 Replies
Occasional Contributor
If you're feature service is pointing to your organizations ArcGIS server, updating the service url might help.  I've found that when I share a service with arcgis online the service url references our internal network address.  I was able to correct the download issue by changing the service location URL to our public facing address.

Thanks Dan, but our services are pointing to the public facing address already.
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New Contributor
@pgronli I took a look at your issue and found that this is a currently logged bug on our side and it is being looked into to see what the issue is. It looks like the token is not being used correctly and that is why it is failing.


To follow up on this, ESRI Support was able to find me a workaround to the token issue on Android: rather than adding the feature service via "Add Item" in AGOL I added it directly to the web map, where I was prompted to enter my ArcGIS Server user credentials. I saved the web map and was able to access and download the basemap and data for offline editing via Collector. One limitation to this is that the web map can only be accessed in Collector by its owner (even when shared with the organization), so as administrator I had to change ownership to the particular user after saving the map.
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Occasional Contributor
I need to follow up on my thread posts above.

I now have the ArcGIS Collector working succesfully. I had to create an entirely new enterprise geodatabase (Windows Server 2008, MS SQL 2008, ArcGIS Server 10.2.2) and isolate that as a completely non-versioned database where the reconcile, post and compress (RPC) functions are not being performed.

It seemed pretty consistent that even though the DATASET was not versioned, everytime we performed the RPC process on the DATABASE as a whole, the collector would lose the ability to edit while in a connected mode. It would throw a bunch of database errors in the logs and essentially not work unless the feature class and feature service were recreated. This also seems to have resolved the problem in another post where editor tracking was not working in the collector, even with version 10.2.3 installed on the device.

Now if we could just add other, non-editable services to the same web map and/or add the same layer twice with different symbology to the same service the collector would be EXTREMELLY awesome!
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Esri Contributor

Could you help us understand the issue you are running into a bit more with two requests? The first being what steps does your RPC process involve, and secondly what database errors are returned in the log?

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Occasional Contributor
The reconcile post compress process is as follows:

(Daily) Reconcile user versions and post any edits, using ArcCatalog tool 'Reconcile Versions'. Do not delete versions after post.

(Daily) Compress the database.

(Once or twice weekly, analyze datasets; quarterly update DBMS statistics.)

Here is a snippet of the log - username, servername, domain and feature class have been removed for this post:

<Msg time='2014-06-04T12:02:21,823' type='SEVERE' code='17000' target='Zoning/ErosionControlInspections.MapServer' methodName='GraphicFeatureServer.HandleREST_ApplyEditsOperation' machine='ServerName.Domain.LOCAL' process='3568' thread='10996' user='username@domain' >Error: Underlying DBMS error [[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]There are no rows in the current fetch buffer.] [Database.GIS.FeatureClassName].</Msg>

It has been working since my above thread post when I created a new non-versioned database.

I am not Compressing, and to this point have not analyzed or updated statistics.
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Occasional Contributor

Not working again - same error as above. I cannot find any related errors in the DBMS logs either.
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New Contributor
Similar to Luke's issue, I am seeing some very unstable behavior when editing a AWS-hosted feature service. In my case, I was suddenly able to make one initial edit to my point feature service before subsequent edit attempts would not be applied to the features as they appear in AGOL (desktop and mobile) nor in the source feature class (SQL EGDB on Amazon EC2). Thinking the problem could be related to Editor Tracking, I turned that capability off (last Friday, 6/20) and was able to make unlimited edits that were applied to the source data. Now on Monday, after having made no changes to the source data or feature service, we are only able to make one initial edit and then subsequent edits are not applied. I am not attempting offline edits in this case.

Any ideas?
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New Contributor II
I too am having trouble on both iphone and Android (Samsung s4) downloading offline map and adding attachments using collector through AGOL.  All else (editing, updating ,etc) is working.

SDE 10.1
Desktop 10.2.2
Server 10.2.2

I have un-versioned archive enabled and sync is on.  Adding attachments works fine in AGOL map.  Creating a replica through REST API works fine (see below)


However, when I select "return attachments" through the REST API form when creating replica, I get

"Unable to complete operation.
Failed to create table descriptions from input. ObjectID-based attachments are not supported."
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Occasional Contributor
For that error, you need to re-create the attachments using GLOBALID as the key field in order to use that functionality in offline editing.
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New Contributor II
Yes.  I have resolved that issue.  I am now able to create a replica through the REST API with downloading attachments.  Still can't download or add attachments in app.
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