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3WS Output doesnt load on browser , stays on Initializing

03-04-2013 10:36 PM
Regular Contributor

I have been working on cityengine for quite a while and now I am facing a peculiar problem for one of my generated output of 3ws.
The project in cityengine is opening perfectly without any issues and I am able to export successfully like my earlier projects to 3ws files,but for the current project the generated output 3ws in not able to load on webviewer. The viewer hangs on the initializing part.. and stays there.. I have put here the text from the webviewer, everything seems normal until the project doesn't load.

Mathias , please suggest for any pointers to fix the problem, why this project has issues.


16ms: GL detect: WebGL 1.0 (OpenGL ES 2.0 Chromium) More
16ms: Loading scene file : /models/new model.3ws
60ms: Server does not return gzip encoding header
60ms: Fallback to custom unzip on arraybuffer and custom streamParser
4487ms: Downloading ADAC-GIS 3D Webscene: 100% (14.81 of 14.81 MB)
4529ms: Requested gzipped data, got gzipped data
4530ms: Using custom unzip and streamparser on arraybuffer
25188ms: Reading: 98% (57.25 of 58.51 MB)
25328ms: Data loaded in 26 seconds
25328ms: Initializing...
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12 Replies
Deactivated User

From that alone, I can get no further information.

I recommend you do the following to track the issue further down :

- make sure you're running the online viewer or the latest version of the offline viewer.
- instead of exporting all into a webscene, export layer by layer to track down if it's related to your data on a specific layer.
- if so, track further down ( maybe even with a binary-search ) to find the shape or element which causes the issue.

This way, you should most probably be able to track down the issue.

Once you can reproduce the issue clearly, please let me know and I'll try to track it down to find a possible bug.

You mentioned it worked properly so far, so I assume the issue is related to something specific in your data, but this could be anything.

Let me know ..

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Regular Contributor
Thank you very much!

I had already thought about the similar approach as you have pointed and in fact started to switch off the layers one by one in each export, if i get a succesfull 3ws output then I will get back to you with the details
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Regular Contributor
Hi Matt,

Thanks for your pointer, after switching off Street Network layer the model successfully exported. But now I need to figure out whats the problem in the shape geometry.

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Deactivated User
Cool, yeah let me know.

just an 'fyi' in case you did not see yet :

may help you tracking things down in general .. 😮

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Emerging Contributor

I am encountering the same issue. The difference is that it seems to be the Bookmarks that stops the start up of the web viewer at the initialize stage. When I remove the bookmarks it seems to start up without a problem. I there a setting that I need to change to include the bookmarks?

Thanks in advance,

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Esri Contributor
Hi Carl

I there a setting that I need to change to include the bookmarks?

no setting required, this should work out of the box.
Can you try the following:
in the problematic scene
* create a new shape layer "test" with a single shape
* hide all other layers
* start 3ws exporter, and set exported content to "export shapes only"
* exclude all layers from being exported (uncheck in second export page) except "test"
* does the problem still occur?
* if so, can you post the problematic 3ws here so we can track the problem down?
0 Kudos
Esri Contributor
Hi Matt,

Thanks for your pointer, after switching off Street Network layer the model successfully exported. But now I need to figure out whats the problem in the shape geometry.


Hi Vipulsoni

can you try to limit the problem to a small area (one to several blocks)? (select a small extent of the street network layer, export, verify the problem is still present)
and if so, could you post that 3ws here so we can track the problem down?
0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor
Hi Carl

no setting required, this should work out of the box.
Can you try the following:
in the problematic scene
* create a new shape layer "test" with a single shape
* hide all other layers
* start 3ws exporter, and set exported content to "export shapes only"
* exclude all layers from being exported (uncheck in second export page) except "test"
* does the problem still occur?
* if so, can you post the problematic 3ws here so we can track the problem down?

Hi Andreas,

I exported the web viewer the way that you described. The web viewer opens, but without any bookmarks. (Please see the .3ws named Test5 attached below)

I need to show the models as well as shapes in the web viewer, therefor I choose the option "Export models if generatable, else export shapes). When the bookmarks are included it stops at the initializing page... [ATTACH=CONFIG]22774[/ATTACH]

Please see the .3ws file named: InformalSettlement_small; you can download both web viewers at:

However when the bookmarks are excluded the .3ws opens and works.

Any ideas?


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Occasional Contributor

25188ms: Reading: 98% (57.25 of 58.51 MB)

Maybe it's the size of your model - that's quite big.
Try to optimize model size for web delivery - i have noticed raster layers make the 3ws files MUCH larger
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