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What's coming in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App | February 2024 Release

02-14-2024 07:00 AM
Esri Contributor
5 0 1,284

BA Web App - Feb Release.png


The next update of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App, and ArcGIS Community Analyst is planned for February 28, 2024. Below are the planned updates. Please note that all planned updates are subject to change; please check back to stay apprised of the latest news regarding the upcoming release.

Stay tuned for our What's New blog article and documentation that will provide a comprehensive list of enhancements. 

Data Updates

The upcoming February release will include updates to the following datasets:

  • Business locations from Data Axle and SafeGraph for US, Canada, and Puerto Rico to Q4 2023.
  • Global POI data from Foursquare (Q4 2023).
  • Esri Thailand Business Points (Nostra)
  • USA Traffic data from Kalibrate (Q4 2023).
  • Crime (AGS) 2023B
  • Advanced demographics: Australia (ABS) 2021, Germany (Nexiga) 2023, Thailand (Esri) 2022
  • Standard Demographics from Michael Bauer Research for 21 European countries (2023)

New Suitability Analysis Workflow
(This feature is only available for ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced users)

  • The updated enhancements the Suitability Analysis workflow introduces the use of standard geographies for analysis, add industry-specific variable lists, provide additional scoring and weighting options and feature an interactive results panel.

Hexagons available for mapping and analysis workflows
(This feature is only available for ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced users)

Enhanced Points of Interest Search

  • The initial search experience has been improved with a full update coming soon.
  • The updated Points of interest search makes it easier to refine the search for even better results.  Users can set the Geography and Analysis extent directly in the workflow without having to first create sites in other workflows. The redesigned Search type and Settings are easier to find and use, and the popular Show all POIs is now available on the first step.  

New Infographics and Improvements

  • New infographic templates: International Version of Emergency Information Infographic for 33 MBR countries; New European standard infographic - Spending Summary; New Australia standard infographic - Health Profile Infographic.
  • We have now made the infographic gallery accessible to users with standard licenses.
  • Other enhancements include improved editing experience with the ability to hide infographic panels and save custom styles, added features in the Nearby summary such as conditional icon and text option, picture bar display, improved configuration visibility, a layout preview mode in the Infographics editor for responsive design, and support for side-by-side infographic export to Excel.

Redesigned In-App Guided Tours

  • We have revamped levels 1-3 of the guided tours in the October 2023 release. These updates include streamlining the content to provide a more modern appearance and improved accessibility, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience for our users. The rest of the guided tours (level 4-5) underwent a similar revamp for the February 2024 update.

Improved Accessibility with Calcite

  • Delivering accessible software continues to be a top priority. We are continuing the Calcite component migration and improvements in areas like accessibility, internationalization, and standardization. 

Features Deprecation

  • The Business Analyst Classic version will be deprecated this release. 
  • The classic color-coded maps will be deprecated this release. 

ArcGIS Experience Builder: Business Analyst widget enhancements & improvements

  • Option to add a placeholder text (instruction) in the Preset mode
  • Option for data source selection for countries that have multiple data sources.
  • Option to add/remove the BA widget search bar added to map
  • Option to set a default infographic in the workflow mode
  • Several bug fixes and minor enhancements

Additional Resources

We’re so happy to share this upcoming release of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App with you!

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