I am trying to see how to query our ARCGIS Online account to get a list of users and their Last Login Date. From there I want to grab the users that have not logged in say for 40 days. And then create a new list and do something with it like email them etc.
I can do something like this to get a full count of the users but don't know how to query for the Users and their Login Date....
Any thoughts?
from arcgis.gis import GIS
import arcgis
gis = GIS("https://xxx.maps.arcgis.com", "usernamne", "passaword") # set first arguement to your Portal or AGOL
users = arcgis.gis.UserManager(gis)
# get the total number of users in your AGOL account provided you have administrative priveledges
totalUsers = users.counts('user_type', as_df=False)[0]['count']
Solved! Go to Solution.
not where I can test at the moment, but your actualDate will be a string and datetime.now will be a datetime object.
will need to convert the string time to a datetime object, then the math should work.
I've seen the ESRI staff present just this use case several times when demoing the API.
2022 User Conference - Proceedings (esri.com)
This notebook looks like it has some guidance:
#though, I like this better as it looks like a "normal" date format
time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y', time.localtime(user.lastLogin/1000))
Found that here. Might help.
Since this reminded me that I was going to do a logon inventory myself, I modified the snippet from @JRhodes in this post to just write the username and last login date to a csv file.
from arcgis import GIS
import csv
import time
agol_username = 'AdminUser' # change
agol_password = 'userPassword' # change
output_csv = r'C:\path\to\out\file\users.csv' # change
search_user = '*' # change to query individual user
gis = GIS('https://arcgis.com', agol_username, agol_password)
user_list = gis.users.search(query=search_user, max_users=10000)
with open(output_csv, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
csvfile = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n')
csvfile.writerow(["Name", # these are the headers; modify according to whatever properties you want in your report
for item in user_list:
if item.lastLogin != -1:
csvfile.writerow([item.username, # modify according to whatever properties you want in your report
time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y', time.localtime(item.lastLogin/1000))
What is the /1000 how do I equate that to days or hours
Where can I get a list of properties that I can use to return values?
Or does this look back to who logged in within the last Day?
if item.lastLogin != -1:
Just looking how to modify the code to look for users that have not logged in in the last 20 days, 40 days etc...
Trying this but getting str vs Date error
if actualDate < lastFewDays:
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'datetime.datetime'
gis = GIS('https://vdot.maps.arcgis.com', agol_username, agol_password)
user_list = gis.users.search(query=search_user, max_users=5)
for item in user_list:
lastFewDays = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=-30)
actualDate = time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y', time.localtime(item.lastLogin/1000))
if actualDate > lastFewDays:
not where I can test at the moment, but your actualDate will be a string and datetime.now will be a datetime object.
will need to convert the string time to a datetime object, then the math should work.
Awesome I got it with this... Maybe a smoother way to do this?
Thanks for steering he correct direction!!!!
def findUsers():
counter = 0
with open(output_csv, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
csvfile = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n')
for item in user_list:
lastThirtyDays = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=-numberOfDays)
lastLogintime = item.lastLogin/1000
lastLoginTimeConvert = (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(lastLogintime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
lastLoginDate = datetime.strptime(lastLoginTimeConvert, format)
diffdays = lastThirtyDays - lastLoginDate
diffDays2 = diffdays.days
if lastLoginDate < lastThirtyDays:
if diffDays2 > 35:
print(item.username + " logged in " + str(diffDays2) + " days ago - " + item.email)
counter += 1
return counter
Apperantly lastLogin returns UNIX style date format in miliseconds. the val/1000 converts it to seconds so the time functions work properly.
That is why I used this one in the updated script that I posted, as it give MM/DD/YY.
time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y', time.localtime(user.lastLogin/1000)
If a user has never logged on, it will return -1 and will throw an error. so, that line just tells it to skip that user if they have never logged on and continue running the script rather than error out.
I am not good at finding documentation for these types of things (or, the docs barely exist) so I just tested it to see what properties were availalbe for users.
Basically, I used the piece of code you have above (in IDLE) to get a list of the users:
users = arcgis.gis.UserManager(gis)
then I just grabbed a single user from the list (this grabs the first user):
user = users[0]
Then, I use the IDLE code suggestions (hold windows key and press spacebar after the . ) to find the available properties, and scrolled down until I saw lastLogin.
Once I knew the property I was after was called lastLogin, I did Google search for "ESRI lastLogin" to find info/examples of how to use it.
Hope this helps,